@Terry: I defiantly agree with Terry. And if anyone on Lifehacker is a Certified professional in this field PLEASE reply to him
@Terry: I defiantly agree with Terry. And if anyone on Lifehacker is a Certified professional in this field PLEASE reply to him
@farcedude: My teachers certainly wouldn't. They barely let me bring a flash drive. (New high school freshman)
@Zuzax: Do any of them have ATX cases? I could use one.
I personally use a single 26" monitor. At 1920x1200 it has enough screen real-estate for school work as well as ~cough~ gaming. The DPI is good considering the high resolution of 1920x1200 is squeezed into only 26". However I can still read text fine at 3' through 3.5'
I'm supposed to get 'Up to' 10 Mbps although I usually get around 12.
@mick4: Re: Kids Removing it
@Gotlactose: Not necessarily. I live in a "middle class area" and am going into the 9th grade. Most (not all) parents can't afford the $80 per month on a smart-phone for their children.
This was featured on the TWIT podcast Net@Night.
@AtomFury: Definently the TF2 music! (Unreleatedly, the polycount contest winners were just announced a few mins. ago)
@Grant Forrest: Same here
Just Installed Ubuntu 10.04 in VirtualBox on Win 7. This would be nice for a native windows user like me.
As a BoyScout I can say form experience that knowing these knots actually does come in handy in real life. the Bowline knot is a real must know knot. The Sheet Bend knot, Taught line /taut_line/, and the Sheet bend are some other good ones to know.
I actually built something very similar to this a few months ago.
Companion cube FTW!