
What is it with everyone and these harsh bloom effects. The left sides lighting looks considerably better. Seems more "lifelike".

what did they do to the lighting? definitely prefer the old lighting

Here's a much better attempt by artist bloochikin on deviant art. Hers actually manages to keep the fun and off kilter personalities of the characters instead of turning them into generic and bland fashion models.

I think it's fucking stupid to call out on all this "stereotype" shit. Everyone wants other cultures to be explored but god forbid if you pick a part that they're not interested in or they feel has been exploited.

As if all that wasn't enough, High Speed Mode speeds up many game events by up to five times, making it the perfect tool for speed runs.

My original headline was this, actually:

I'm not white nor am I a man and I don't need a character that fits my exact sex and race to be able to identify with them. After all, that would be sexist/racist of me. As for representation - when there are more minorities than white heterosexual men buying and developing games, we'll see more of them.

But ACDC was in the second arc!

Caught them all, didn't hear anything about this soon enough.

They talked about it in a recent interview (tl;dr "Seems quite unlikely at the moment")

It's been a half-decade since

You started off strong...

I like you. You can stay :D We are also a two man team. Our efforts on top of juggling our social and work lives have been insane. We aren't demanding money, just kindly asking for anyone interested. :P people act like were charging a city taxes for something they didn't ask for. ^^

Thank you for the kind wishes. The two of us will love off 10k each for 1 year in order to work on the project full time, and make pocket money by taking on graphic design clients on weekends etc.

This is correct, we are using Ace's interface and ruby compiler but have re written the engine as much as we are allowed to within the EULA and will continue to make distinguishing changes as the project progresses. We like Ruby as it compiles on the fly.

I'm going to do a totally shameless plug here: if you're looking of a Harvest Moon-styled game with same-sex marriages, an actual story, and pigs check out Wild Season! It's already been funded, but right now we're trying to get through Steam Greenlight (we're in the top 80 now I believe!), so vote if you're

If Chrono Trigger doesn't change your life,