Yeah, those are all fighting game stages, most if not all from SNK. The sprites are probably all ripped off too. Very lame.
Yeah, those are all fighting game stages, most if not all from SNK. The sprites are probably all ripped off too. Very lame.
And her wife wanted it to do garbage collecting? Oh the irony
Not available for my country... fuck you too Microsoft
You're downloading a website?
Err, they don't "use" Sketchfab to make those dioramas. Sketchfab is just a way to display those models on the web (think imgur for 3D models).
You have no idea. I bought cards that people were selling for low value and sold them back at the average market price. It took a while but I managed to get $50 doing just that.
This always sends me chills down my spine
I can totally understand Fish. The man is obviously not a PR guy. People come to talk to him, but he doesn't want that. He want to make his games that he makes out of passion rather than dealing with internet trolls, haters, press, critics and bullshit like that. It's not unusual for a company to tell the press they…
Reminds me of this:
I'm still at Step 11... =(
Chrono Trigger "Day of Lavos" ending is just perfect. Because the game shows you the world destroyed first hand before this happens, I think having you watch it, incapable of preventing that terrible fate, just makes you feel responsible for all that shit. Yeah, sit there and watch how you screwed up and failed to…
Oh come on, you didn't even mention Disgaea D2
Personally, I find it reassuring that the top guys can do jokes like that. For me, there's something very wrong with the gaming industry if the professionals can't casually talk with the gamers in a lighter tone. Gaming is about fun. Relax guys, geez.
He's 18 years old, according to this interview on Wired:…
Can't wait to see the day when all their servers are shutdown and it basically becomes a worthless black box in your room.
The article title is misleading. Debug Mode is not the reason he can play offline indefinitely.