
@Hetare Kaiser: No, I don't recall any entry made in 6502 assembly, but there's one made in Z80 assembly...

Meh, I'm not impressed. Ludum Dare has been creating hundreds of great games within 48 hours since 2002.

I hate MMOs, but I approve this.

Everyone has standards. Even Nintendo.

@eug.o: That's heat.

@gigawings: Funny that you mentioned that. Before her face appeared, I thought it was Siegfried...

@Bender: Ugh... Please, no #34 on Redmond. That would be disgusting.

Awesome! $250 is just twice the price I pay for PS3 games!

Know what? Shut up, Bilson. Shut the fuck up.

@-MasterDex-: To be fair, sometimes Minecraft eat my RAM like nobody's business...

Wait, Rouge? *replay video*

@mrm: Cannot be unheard!

@Zelda did it!: In fact, there is one part he said "VERIFIABLY CORRECT".

@Erwin: Hey, Big Rigs is fun!

What do you want from me?

Ugh, soon Square Enix will make of FF what SEGA made of Sonic: a laughing stock.