
@Bramsey89: Oh man. Now I'm seeing that too.

@Aibyouka-kun: Yeah. But unfortunately, manpower = publisher's money.

@Aibyouka-kun: Well, first of all: programming languages doesn't matter. It's not even something relevant in this case.

@PSWii2008: By the way, is Other M canon?

Aren't #45 and #46 inverted on the map?

Pics or didn't happen.

Is it just me or that doll on the first picture looks like Mario?

!?kceh eht tahW

@dowingba: He stands. On the line. Durr.

@Pirandello: You mean Kids in America? Holy poop!

@Amuro1X: A thousand of internets for you, sir.

@Pirandello: The only farm I care about is in Harvest Moon.

I'm still wondering what'll be the next game by 2D Boy...

Sheesh, the song is catchy.

@amazingmao: Oh shit, it DOES sound like GLaDOS!

It... sounds like a huge, crazy, gimmicky and overly-distorted version of Zynga games. If that's what they were aiming for, then they have done a great job.

Blasphemy! Who would have sex with that thing?