
@jeric2k5: Not being officially supported means that they don't know if it'll work or not. They can't guarantee that every T Mobile G2 owner will able to play Angry Birds. That's essentially what it means.

I'm not seeing Motorola Quench on the list, so I should be covered, right?

Don't worry... stuff like that helps build character.

Are you seeing this, EA? It's your fault.

That's ugly as shit. By the way, was the picture taken during a secret press release on Sony's underground lair or something like that?

@Mike Fahey: Unfortunately, the Mayor is too busy with, ehm... "other affairs".

Wow, this is going way too far. All the controversy surrounding TSA is getting ridiculous. I wonder how much time it'll take until they get rid of it.

Oh, so that's the reason PS3 has such high quality graphics!

@JohnnyricoMC: Indie games won't make money for Microsoft, but the Kinects they'll be selling for PC gamers will certainly do.

Ten dollars it was Farmville.

@Toshi: Amusing? Maybe. Hilarious? Totally!

Hello, spoiler alert! You don't actually kill Castro, because it's just a goddamn video game!

Sounds like the kind of device that could be used to destroy our world - and it turns out I'm the kind of person that loves this kind of device!

@ivan-the-terrible: "Yaaay, let's solve this and determine the fate of the universe! Weeee!! But first... Let's waaaash our haaands kids!!"