Oh my god. Jazz Jackfuckingrabbit.
Oh my god. Jazz Jackfuckingrabbit.
"Expert", you say? Cleverbot is much better than this one. I can't believe she passed the Turing test.
@Manly McBeeferton: I think it'd be popular as Jaguar, N-Gage and Virtual Boy. But who knows. I doubt that it would boost the Mac sales, though.
I'm surprised that Dinasty Warriors is handling a nice number of characters on screen without a single sign of lag. It's nice to see that the 3DS has quite a horsepower.
It's Riiidgee Raaaceer!!
@GymMasterAlex: BECAUSE
Dick move, Bill.
I'm afraid that if I stare at the picture for too long it'll explode my monitor.
@deafblindmute: To be fair, they do drop gunpowder, which is quite useful.
@Chris Garrett: It's your worst enemy.
@kung_fu_jesus: Oops. Awkward.
Costume Quest doesn't look nice on my old 4:3 TV. And why the hell it isn't fullscreen during the fights? It sucks.
I'm happy that you're having fun, Sony.
Actually, it looks like a good replace for my broken Vaic Chinaphone. As long as it isn't ridiculously expensive, I'd consider looking for that.
Why won't they release this for Windows? I love bullet-hell shooters. But I can't afford an iPhone...
@OldAudis: Is this the age of fart? It's in every ass, and the ass is the most used part of the body now.
@themightyspitz: Answering your riddle:
@Flaeor: It's not unstoppable. Where you're seeing an unstoppable force?