Left Handshake

clamor for attention*

What if you're scaling the side of some mountain in full combat load and you get UH BONER. Men jerking off in the bushes all the time is why we lost Vietnam. (But it's simultaneously how we won Guam, huh.)


What the hell? Are you a Sherpa?

Nice catch!

What is wrong with me that I do not believe it is a horrible portrait? It looks remarkably like her, facial lines and all- especially the slight bags beneath her eyes. She is a very pretty lady, and all of the flaws are - as with all photorealistic art - a testament to her as a human animal, rather than some

A few worthy mentions of Firkraag, who was indeed a great character with some great development, but I always remember Saladrex, the epic red dragon who was disinterestedly imprisoned in Watcher's Keep. His dialogue was criminally brief, but excellently written, as he was an intensely vain being that you could pander

Sick, isolated, and violent people seek activities that facilitate their disconnection from society, and sometimes reality.

You can start by updating your resume to reflect "Portmanteaugineer, January 2013-January 2013" (Hey, it's a rough biz).

You're hired.

I agree, and it's because like oh-so-many misguided attitudes, it takes the default that somehow, people "become gay", rather than respecting the wealth of evidence and testimony that people are born that way; and that it's as natural as could be.

They can blame video games all they like, as they are wont to do with myriad other elements in society. They're never, ever going to put forward censorship laws without thoroughly entangling themselves with the film and music industries and freedom of expression. It's an uphill battle, to say the very least.

I didn't phrase it terribly well, but you're not completely off the mark on what I am saying. What I truly meant was that when men and women are in hierarchical proximity to one another, it enables people prone to assaulting and exploiting (often men) to attempt to take advantage of their status.

When I was a teenager and instructor at a martial arts school, we had a woman who wanted to press sexual assault and harassment charges against 2 of our lead instructors and co-owners.

Yes, for squats, the top parts of your legs ought to end up parallel to the ground; try sticking your butt out as far as you can and make an effort to keep your back aligned with your neck throughout. Also point your head downward at maybe a 45-degree angle or so- don't look straight ahead until you get some more

So go buy a pair of 5lb dumbbells! They sell them at Target, etc. Couldn't be more than $15-20 for a set.

And now 'baby wipes' takes on a whole new meaning for me. It's like my eyes have finally opened.

I'm willing to bet that *most* everyone who cries foul when people like Gabe speak out against Windows 8 are not, themselves, developers.

I retched. I laughed. I retched again.

Mother Theresa is a poor example in all instances. Selfish doesn't even begin to describe her.