
“We wanted to amplify that message and capture people’s attention, so pledged to compensate developers ten times the value of any chargeback fees they incurred, despite the fact that we had nothing to with the illegal acquisition of these keys.

short version: if everybody on one team can communicate without fear of being harassed (and therefore without the need to mute voice comms or whatever), they’re probably going to be more coordinated than a team with one or more members who can’t just easily use chat. even beyond the harassment issue, if you’re looking

And of course the actual webpage doesn’t get the editor. They want to push everyone to the app so they can prevent adblockers. That’s why leaving the webpage open eats up all your RAM in an hour.

First thing to do; kill them all with fire.

She’s talking about the kids ripped from their families at the border, right?

Haha, yes, you mean the current Cooking Mama game for the Switch? I’m still confused about what happened there. I think the publisher licensed the franchise from Office Create(the creator of Cooking Mama), made the game, but Office Create wasn’t happy with the final result.


I definitely see what you mean on Amazon Prime. I know of a movie mistakenly released on there last year that went out with no subtitles. The producers had no idea and made sure Amazon take it down until they could provide the correct subtitles.

The easy work around is to have power ups not transfer if the theme changes from level to level. Honestly, there are a fair number of possible work arounds if you think about it for a bit.  Which I think is kind of the author’s point. This update is great, but there are obvious gaps that could be filled if there

I think you’re the only one that’s disappointed by this update.

I still want alternate exits. Like keyholes from Super Mario World or boss triggers that end the level when the boss is killed (or alternatively an item that can be put on an enemy that drops when the enemy is killed and when touched, ends the level). Or even clear conditions that end the level once completed (collect

Super Circuit > Super any day IMO (except for maybe the music, which is doing its best)

Extremely, profoundly stupid of them to literally just trace over that picture of her. They easily could have used it just as reference and then changed up the wardrobe and facial features a bit so that it wasn’t so clearly her.

My first instinct was to say, “Really? $10M dollars?”, but fuck those guys. I hate those predatory POS games. Sic ‘em, Salena.

Maybe, but highly disappointing. There have been mediocre games with mediocre net code that handle loading a new player better. Nintendo developers should be better at this.

Wouldn’t that mandatory-for-everyone entrance/exit cutscene be a sync check? Like, make sure every player’s data is where it needs to be?

Yes, the loading screen that plays when someone is arriving is necessary to send the entire island data to the new player, as the online is P2P outside of matchmaking. Remember, even on the Gamecube the AC save files were ridiculously big!

Additionally, I as a former designer can see it being designed to avoid people awkwardly just phasing into existence.

Do they also get to play beach volleyball?

Not defending GS in any way, but this is clearly a desperation move. It makes me wonder if they are projecting that they can’t survive the next few weeks without retail.