
Left Alive is one of the great bad games of this generation. As someone who loves games that try way too hard and fail miserably, I feel that if the game were any better, it would have been much worse. As it stands, it’s a game whose charm lies entirely in its patina.

I lost my wife, who was only 36, earlier this month and losing someone so young, unexpectedly, just doesn’t feel real. It feels like she is just out of town and will come walking through the door any moment. The sadness that comes when you realize that will never happen can be incredibly overwhelming.

seems incomplete without mentioning that, like last year, one of his accusers turned up dead right after this video was released...

(Signed, a guy who did a lot of mocap on MUA3)

Pretty much anyone over 40 here in the UK calls it Kentucky, at least round my ends.

The exec has denied all the allegations, except for taking the photos. “I was asked so I took the photos,” Maki is quoted as saying. “The truth is different.”

Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.

Thankfully, we got this around the same time (developed by Bungie, console version by Rock*star).

Personally I would hate to have to score Death Stranding with a number, I just beat it last night and I can see everyone’s point. You gave it a 5/10? I get you, the game is a weird boring self indulgent mess. You gave it a 9/10? Yeah totally, it was a mesmerizing experience unlike anything I’ve ever played. Good

I have an a grown ass job and I can’t go down a Vanderpump clip hole. I am a leader dammit and I won’t....I won’t...

Almost certainly Chun-Li - the white ribbon seals it. Yes, there are white headband versions of Ryu but, even with those, they rarely ‘flow’ like that and the red version is much more iconic and common. 

It’s been 15 years since we saw Half-Life 2. It’s only been a mere 12 years since Half-Life 2 Episode 2 came out. Stop exaggerating you troll.

I just completed this section last night.

I definitely agree that it was a significant and sudden tonal shift, and I think it worked fairly well—but there were some serious shades of The Sorrow in that whole process.

I have also discovered a new favorite activity: prior to building a truck, I didn’t do a lot of raiding

Don’t ever wonder why you’re incel.

Couldn’t have been too much of a threat if he was able to walk right up to her and hit her. Clearly didn’t fear for his life, or anything close to that.

The adult thing to do would have been to either take the kids and leave, or even just leave, as his wife probably had no intention of doing harm to her kids.


hahah.  You’re the worst dude.

Is the abuse really normalized if it involves the victim fighting giant tumors and meeting literal satan and turning into a disembodied head?

You’ve just described the opposite of trivializing.

I, too, enjoy twisting the narratives to feel morally superior.