
Salt & Sanctuary was a fun 70-hour side-scrolling Souls-like which I played exclusively on my Vita. I’m interested to see what they follow it up with.

I’m glad it looks sooo Dark Souls. I’m a little gun-shy after Sekiro, which I personally loathed - the first time I’ve felt that way about a From game in the Souls era.

“You’re biased because your neutrality doesn’t validate my extremist opinions on one side of this issue!!!”

People buy shit all the time that they sit on, maybe put on a shelf and never fully use/utilize.

Developed by Yuke’s, of WWE games fame (working on the AEW video game).

I agree completely. I’d love to “Supermarket Sweep” the libraries of these older consoles.

If there’s one type of game that sits in your backlog or you only pick away at until the tech becomes obsolete, it’s RPGs. I played maybe 20 hours of Lost Odyssey, really liked it, but stopped. I would buy it again on a modern console for the pleasure of probably not playing through it on there, either.

I know nothing of the series, with the original game barely on my radar as existing.

Unlike a lot of industries where this kind of stuff goes on, there is very little media holding feet to fire, and there is even less consumer outrage over the practices. Without those things, guys like Bobby are free to keep on their greedy path. 

I met Warren and Harvey while writing the Game Informer feature on Deus Ex 2 (Invisible War). I had only recently played Deus Ex 1 for the first time at the time, but recognized its quality and still regard it as my favorite game of all time. The PS2 port is quite underrated (I played it first)!

Watching people with little knowledge/experience give advice which they themselves would never follow is one of the twisted joys of our timeline.

It is no doubt a good deal, and many of those games seem quite appealing.

So...Microsoft is once again planning to sell 11 units in Japan? Okay, cool. 

Could do a whole list on times rappers misspelled words. Like Warren G’s “What’s next, what’s N-X-E-T” to the X-Clan literally misspelling their own name “X-C-A-L then the N means you can understand,” I’m sure it would be a motherfuckin RIOT!

Hahaha! I know better.

I ended up playing the CD far more than the game it was packed in with - which isn’t to say I didn’t execute my share of ultra-combos.

Was this some sort of parody or thought-experiment article or something? I stopped reading about 10 paragraphs in - about this person I never heard of apologizing for any perceived slight ever - and realized I was but a mere 1/3 through the story.

I love this series. Huge fan from the first game.

So why is karaoke written using katakana (カラオケ) if it’s a Japanese invention?

Enjoyed the list. Truth told, I only played AC1 and 2. Liked 1 a lot at the time, loved 2 - almost made my top 100.