
How about the media stops covering “pledges” to contribute to charities - which serve only to give positive press to shirtbirds like Pew and Trump? At least hold off until the transaction clears. Because as we’ve seen time and again, the intellectually-stunted of us will get to a point of no return with supporting

I dunno, man. Sure looks like that Blake Shelton dude who plays grab-ass with Marroon 5 guy Levine on The Voice to me. 

The best pep talks are the ones where you insecurely make clarifications to the audience microseconds after, sounding like a director’s commentary track on a box-office flop.

Reminds me of the Jesus-playing-for-Boston-sports-teams portrait series in the hilarious The Heat, starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. 

These dudes play basketball professionally - a grueling profession, money and fame and whatever be damned - almost all year round. They deserve a break for their bodies and their sanity. So if they essentially wanna swim and play video games on their summer vacation instead of going to summer school, more power to

Donald Trump, current President of the United States, won’t even admit he was wrong about reports on a hurricane’s path. So any type of sincere-sounding apology these days is appreciated. 

Shane is so obviously on the gas and/or HGH - meaning he is looking his best at 49 and bypassing wellness testing as he’s not a full-time performer.

I’m just spitballing that $25. This was about 4 years ago, on a game I played for a couple hours, got to a point I literally couldn’t play another level, and left in discuss.

I loathed Pokemon Picross, despite adoring Picross. I would have rather spend $25 outright for a proper game than reach a point where I literally couldn’t progress without spending money that was less permanent/stable than outright purchasing the game with all content.

You are siding right now with people who threaten to commit arson. Hot take, you drooling idiot.

That last sentence was delicious!!

Being mentally disturbed should not be a “get out of beating free” card - especially when you make those kinds of threats.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. 

These are the kind of people you want to reinstitute public beatings for...

That’s the one! Thanks.

Seeing those fatties waddling aggressively toward Scott in the video, maybe “weight class” isn’t an apt metaphor.

“We have such sights to show you... Oh wait, you got a PB. You’re fucked.”

Horrible people like Dana White?

Activision put out a good casual flight game on PS2. Sky... something.

Now playing

I take a seemingly-regular song, then through prior research and practice sing a different hip-hop song to it.