Ah, it sounded like you were saying she publicly assassinated her character before the "webeatstupidity", and that people didn't get the joke-instagram about the previous attack.
Ah, it sounded like you were saying she publicly assassinated her character before the "webeatstupidity", and that people didn't get the joke-instagram about the previous attack.
I agree that the prosecution is weak, and saying what you're saying about their case has caused people at Gawker to have meltdowns. They're so entrenched in their belief that Zimmerman is Hitler reborn with an NRA membership, that they cannot comprehend logically deconstructing this case.
Really? It's pretty clear that the prosecution will have a hard time proving it beyond a reasonable doubt. They could get a guilty verdict, but it won't be easy and it doesn't seem obvious to me at all.
Bringing injustice to light does not a media circus make. What's become of it is not the same as what originally got it to become a trial.
I am not following this case enough anymore, so what did this Molly West do to Rachael now?
Agreed 100%, it's so disgusting and it's impossible to discuss with people. They've become so insanely biased and impassioned about what they believe, they don't even bother attempting to provide evidence for it anymore. "Trayvon's a thug!" "Zimmerman is a Klan member!" nonsense left and right.
I agree, they do need a new engine. Doesn't excuse Obsidian from making a lackluster strip. They could've made it better even with the engine they had, hell outside of Vegas was more expansive and interesting than the strip itself was.
No, it's still more interesting to me. President Eden alone is.
It doesn't make sense because of an image, sorry. Up = Up, Down = Down.
The purists are the WORST. They claim Bethesda ruined the franchise, despite reviving it.
He could have all the motivation, it still made for a boring faction. Enclave was more cliche, sure, but way more of a force to battle against. I don't need a motivation in every villain. The T-1000 chases John Connor because Skynet says so to stop him from leading the resistance. That's all I needed in that case for…
The Enclave? Awesome and scary former U.S. government nutjobs run by a fucking computer.
That's fine, but you said NV was more wasteland when 3 actually was. NV was more "rebuilt civilization".
See, I was bored by it. The factions were dumb and cliche, and choice doesn't mean shit when it's boring, and NV was boring. 3 was an amazing post-apoc. wasteland by comparison.
The weapons and the crafting were awesome in NV, hopefully Bethesda keeps that for 4.
Agreed. People claim NV is "more interesting" but it wasn't. Caesar's Legion was dumb, House was cool but his mafioso were dumb as hell, the Boomers I liked, the rest were forgettable including the cliche Brotherhood remnant. The Enclave remnant was okay though I liked them.
Really? 3 was way more of a desolate wasteland. New Vegas was lively, not really post-apocalyptic.
See, but 3 is incredible.
Vegas was a buggy disaster for me too. Ruined it.
EXACTLY! Thank you! I'm so glad people agree with me, because all I ever see is purists who despise 3 and spew all over New Vegas. New Vegas has strengths like the armor/costumes, real weapons/ammo crafting and so on.