5 of us teamshot a Hammer Titan right after he activated it and we all died. He never lost his shield. It’s going to get nerfed eventually, I’m sure of it.
5 of us teamshot a Hammer Titan right after he activated it and we all died. He never lost his shield. It’s going to get nerfed eventually, I’m sure of it.
You’re so full of it. You are a cheater and I’ll bet you’re still using it to pad your normally below average stats.
Jade Rabbit is better :)
I’m as big a Star Wars fan as you can get and I’m very underwhelmed with the gameplay. It looks and sounds incredible, but it plays very mediocre. A radar that doesn’t show enemies, TTK is .5 seconds making this a twitch shooter, constantly shooting enemies and their health stays put, but I go down in 4 shots. I get…
I never would have solved the puzzle. I tried looking for some sort of clue on the computer terminals in the Promethan Code mission. The fact that the solution was in the order the enemies spawn went completely over my head. I’m a scrub who can’t figure stuff out...
Also, can I get out of the greys please?
And there goes all your credibility. Unless you’re talking about the prequels, in which case you’re setting the bar terribly low.
I don’t think so. Empire Strike Back is my third favorite movie of all time, behind Raiders of the Lost Ark and Vertigo. A piece of EU fiction isn’t going to top that. Besides, movies are my favorite entertainment medium. I love books, and I love reading, but movies for me are the superior storytelling medium. It’s…
They just never appealed to me, and regardless of their quality, I doubt any are better than Empire or New Hope. But like I said, I can understand why fans would be upset, but at the same time, those stories are still available. If you enjoyed them before, you can still enjoy them now.
On the flip side, I’m one on the biggest original trilogy fans you can find and never touched the EU. It never meants anything to me. I enjoyed games like X-Wing and Dark Forces but that was as far as it went. The EU never had the same appeal to me and not on par with the original movies in terms of story and…
What’s wrong with their hands?
Thank you for confirming my original comment.
Your logic is flawed and you’re uninformed.
Then the artists, designers, coders, etc, need to unionize. That’s why the voice actors are able to make the demands for better treatment/pay. They have a union to protect them. This isn’t a difficult concept to understand.
So your rational is that the actors shouldn’t get better perks for their vital contribution to games because designers/developers (who don’t have a union) don’t get paid well either? That’s a classic straw man if I’ve ever seen one.
WB Games already had me feeling gipped with their price points for the Mortal Kombat X DLC, so when I saw what they were charging for Batman and how vague the details were for what the content was, I decided to wait for the Game of the Year edition as well. Haven’t regretted it at all.
You and the lot of people you referenced are perfectly entitled to believe life begins at conception. You aren’t, however, entitled to tell other women what to do with their bodies.
The tackiest lens you can use. It’s the reason I haven’t gotten into GoPro.
I bet you think the TSA is an effective agency and has helped stop terrorism.
This is just a beat for beat rip off of the SNL skit. It’s not original at all.
It looks awful. No textures and a poor frame rate.