
Where is the part of “leaves me alone” ??


He looks like an Alex Jones wannabe.

I speak for myself but being a white guy, I find it funny in this case and I don’t care.

This. When people criticise other people for doing the right thing it feels to me that they actually dont care about the right thing, only about having the moral highground.

Snitches get stitches

You could integrate a voice changer into the voice engine


I thought a Karen was simply a cat owner.

“Sory, I have a horrible memory, what was your name again?”. There.

Me reading this article from my new Linux installation

Falls for it or gets paid for it?

Daaamn, she is hot...

Is inmoral, they should not change your order BEFORE checking with you and asking you directly. They do this to not fucking lose a dollar for cancelled orders.

Now playing

He explains his choices here and it all makes sense!

Ok, so what did you mean then with  ‘Yea but I don’t want to be refused service or entry because of just how foreign I am. There’s the assumption there that black people aren’t very intelligent (or so I’m led to believe) so are even less likely to speak the language or be familiar with the customs. ’?

I think you’ll

Really? In Japan? Have you heard stories of black people being denied entry in Japan just for being black?