
You accused Myrna of "bringing gender (ed. note waaaaaah!!)" into the conversation. Maybe you've been asleep and not noticed that this sort of faux machismo that she was mocking is layered in every ad, and every conversation and virtually intertwined American gun culture, which is grotesque.

Sexist much?

You and I have the same crushes! Also Elijah Wood pre-LOTR.

You sir/madam get a gold star for getting right to the point. Thank you!

It was the bath salts talking.

Speak for yourself! I do this everyday while reading Jez.

The rules on modesty for Mormons also varies by how big the community is too. I grew up in rural Utah and every Friday a stake would host a dance and the dress code for the girls was so lame. There were lots of pastel-y, floral dresses with high neck and bib lace collars that were long sleeved and knee length. But

Can your friend Chris summarise all the news from now on because that sums it up perfectly.

I prefer to check my Vagenda, thank you very much. Apparently only SUPER SERIOUS feminst stuff can be on it. Any by SUPER SERIOUS I of course mean whatever topic iliketheburnerfeature has pre-approved for our discussion. Thank God this guy is around!


Also added to their mid season line-up: Flying Under the Gaydar. A Live Action spokesperson said it will be a 10 part series exposing the lies the liberal media and the FFA perpetuate about homosexuals in aviation. It will follow each story and narrate with quotes from the scripture as Jesus never intended us to fly

Adding my voice to say that's how me and M.Peony did it too. Just a conversation in May about where we would live, which led to us deciding to get married and 6 weeks later we tied the knot. I quit my job to move to Scotland and everyone was disappointed that there was no ring, no great 'engagement' story and no


Well it is the end of the month so it's all these bitches on their rag complaining about it, I mean jeez! Cut a guy a break! Amirite?

I spent all my roofie-away money on whore pills and gin. Godammit.

Damn, I've been doing this all wrong then! Also, why is this not at the top of the comments? Anyone? Bueller?!

It was on Lothian Road, apparently they were protesting some ob-gym conference nearby. I've lived here for 5 years and never had any sort of experience like that here and it seemed to be organised by a lot of Americans. Thankfully Scotland's NHS system is independent of Westminster and run by a kick ass woman named

What does it matter if it's a photo in a bikini or just wearing a bikini on a beach? It isn't HER actions, it's the sexualisation of children that is the problem.

Yeah, young girls should be shut away in a closet until they are married off and then spend their married life in a burqa. This will prevent all the social ills those sluts bring onto themselves /sarcasm