Petit Morticia

While it’s cute pop psychology, I really don’t think it’s fair to say that in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Belle is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome. She left the castle/ broke her promise after Beast flipped a shit in the West Wing, and fled. She was then confronted by hungry wolves who began to attack her and her

I wear a lot of makeup, and I love how it looks, but I admit I am a bit too obsessive over it and so I carry many products to touch myself up at any time— concealers, mascara, highlighter, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, lip liner, and 2 brushes. I envy those who do not feel they need to carry around makeup tbh

Ugh, it’s sad that a LOT of retailers (many online) that market to young people are more and more frequently offering credit systems or “just pay $3 a month!” type shit that will most certainly take advantage of young people and hit them with unexpected interest fees since the bare basics of finances are not taught

One part of me feels like he is secretly like literally every other straight dude I know who makes THIS much of an effort to show themselves off as feminists: they’re secretly TOTAL fuckboys. Manipulative of women, makes moves when they’re drunk, buys into the thirst traps of strangers, etc.

This is not body snarking— it just looks like she is now way bigger than a 32D! That’s the size I wear (and I was fitted) and hers are far bigger! But of course, as long as she is happy and comfortable with them, good for her. I think she looks stunning.

YASS! THEY *claps* WERE *claps* SUPER *claps* MODELS

No, but a LITERAL troll. That is not the face of a fully human man.

When I was a child and heard “When Doves Cry” in my head I imagined he was taking about doves crying little sparkling purple tears. And I already knew doves couldn’t do that.

I’m sorry, I know you’re being compassionate and your heart is probably in the right place but this justification of Lonina’s actions and giving her the benefit of the doubt when to me there is NO excusing or coming away from what she did with any thesis less than she is a sick fuck who deserves to be in prison and

Because she is most likely a sick fuck like him. They do come in the female variety too.

Let’s not forget what I consider the OG fashion horror movie, an Italian horror movie (also called a giallo), “Blood and Black Lace”.

**NOT AGREEING WITH ERYKAH** however I didn’t interpret it as her specifically talking about the male teachers being attracted to young girls in short skirts, but male classmates. I can see how she could mean both, and I still feel like her logic is sexist and unfair.

My boyfriend and his very talented buddies put on a live emo/ pop punk karaoke show every few months for shits and giggles (and yeah some side cash) and it is AMAZING. 20-somethings get to sing/scream their hearts out onstage while a live band plays the most iconic songs from bands like Brand New, My Chemical Romance,

Sick robot burn.

Nahhh, I know a lot of people who seemed to have no real underlying emotional/ mental disorders who had very adverse reactions to drugs that are supposed to largely mellow you out. One of the chilliest girls I know had a legit mental breakdown after trying LSD, was SO sure it was not a “bad” batch because the other

A lot of people on here are commenting about their really bad experiences with LSD, like feeling super energetic, violent, paranoid, etc. Has anyone experienced (or knows anyone who experienced) a rare psychotic reaction to shrooms? I want to try it so bad but I’m worried I’m one of those people who would become

As someone with OCD/ BDD that has manifested in a pretty unhealthy obsession with either being in what I deem “good lighting” or every 10 minutes wonder if I and my makeup looks like horrible shit because of unflattering lighting (which I know makes me just come off as a vain fuck) I get the “abusive” thing without it

I mean, fuck yeah!

Holy shit, Dr. NerdLove you are ten types of terrific. One of my dearest guy friends is going through a shockingly similar situation and I’ve been trying to tell him that he needs to GTFO for the love of Pete and all his children, but you’ve addressed a lot of his gf’s manipulative behaviors and patterns in such a

Oof, my friend— maybe write that whole first phrase out considering the... sensitive subject matter of her claim :{