Petit Morticia

Thank you! Growing up my parents had to deal with my childhood anxiety, OCD and ADD, then in my teen years anorexia/ depression/ panic disorder, and anger problems. It was hell for me but it was fucking hell for them too, I do not feel any resentment towards them for the times they screamed, got too frustrated to deal

This is fucking common sense that everyone KNOWS to keep in mind as a basic precaution, and it's tiring (to say the least) that we repeat this shit because, perhaps even if the conversation focused far more on telling men not to harass or rape, some men are actual sick fucks who will rape just like some people are

clearly an insurance scam gone awry, likely because she didn't pay. Gross. But lol @ that CS Lewis pun, four for you Today Show!

shit posted in the wrong place- supposed to be in response to CassiebearRAWR's comment!

cried while making this real quick

Brilliantly stated, hear hear.

Fuck, this one feels personal. I don't by any means intend to sound like other celebrity deaths are not terribly tragic, but I think for a lot of people- especially 90s kids like myself- this feels personal. I know I never knew him personally but Robin somehow felt like family to me and I think to so many others. He

I feel this hard as someone with an equally guilty conscience.

I don't know how great it is as an image for this particular story, but I do personally love the photo. The colors, composition, how open to interpretation it is based on the little girl's facial expression and glamour... I think it is a great photograph and am curiously delighted that it was selected as the cover to

The answer would be yes.

"Sgt Burton Brink" is the coolest fucking cop name I've ever heard of.

Good lord, I'm sorry to say that I expected much of the comments here to be in regards to the fact that Lindy (smartly) used "Japanese Schoolgirl" in the title and the various ways it offended or outraged folks. Dude, 1.) THE STORY ITSELF. HOLY SHIT THAT IS HORRIFIC IN EVERY WAY, WHAT. 2) You want people to click on

Apparently the "Push, _____, push!" Cakes are a thing. I remember seeing this one on some cake fails website a few years ago and when I googled it to post here I found a ton of creative imitators, I'm guessing based on the Olivia cake going viral. The more you know!

Peg Boggs, yaaaaasss. I want to take this knockoff Kardashian and put a red claw clip in her hair, take all her makeup off then go "now just a touch of lavender, let's give it a try here... Close enough! Mhmm!"

You want to check out the general public opinion/education on mental and emotional illness and disorders? Perusing the comment section on any article which discusses someone with a mental or emotional illness speaking openly about being treated unfairly due to their illness will show you.

it sounds like Bigfoot stepped on a Lego.

I recently got a job as a part time server at a sports bar (got the job to help pay off my self employment taxes from last year...yeesh) and having never have worked in the food or service or hospitality industries before, I can't say that I am shocked at the fact that some people will stiff you on the tip, no matter

A friend of mine who works at American Apparel told me that Dov's firing seriously has nothing to do with his serial sexual abuse charges- it's simply about the money (AA hasn't been doing as well with Dov at the head) and they are just letting the sex scandals take the forefront to 1) distract us from their financial

I think that everyone fucks up and says things when provoked or triggered that they know aren't in perfect alignment to what they feel in their hearts. This is often the case when we are very angry or feel purposely attacked or hurt by anyone, the gut reaction can often be to just say the worst thing to them you can

Jesus christ, you're not Gaga Allin, your audience isn't going to grasp this as anything but what it is face value: a chick making herself throw up for entertainment. Fuck any higher message, this shit basically says "it's no big deal to make yourself throw up, some people make a living off of it AND get to chill with