dude me too
dude me too
Its the lighting of the location.
Seriously, the kid you hit would probably be too starstruck about being run over by a camaro to care.
Ah Cicero... The hood. Great chicken.
MMIA is the absolute worst. Its even worse now, you know why? They have sorta air conditioning. The half assed result of the entire world bitching about how humid and arid the air is there. There are also anti-bribery posters all over the place so that the officials can have a small crisis of conscience while they…
It looks like an Ohio rest stop but appealing.
*slow claps and wipes away tear* That's what it's all about! Innovation takes risk!
Personally, my threshold lies thin within race and rape. Anything else is fair game for humor.
I'm a fat dude. No one calls me plus sized...
Some people drink whisky to deal with stress... others create worlds on minecraft.
You leave Chicago out of this.
I will never understand why millennials choose to whine and bitch and moan over the most constant things, in the name of "change" and "hope". People are assholes and will rob, steal, rape and kill. Feminists complain that its only men. MRAs complain women do it too. But both genders make it all happen anyway. Point…
You'd be surprised. A lot of ladies would denounce this guy in public, then hit him up in secret. Money speaks volumes.
I wasn't allowed to use an iron.
I'd compliment the fabric?
I have to dress up twice when I travel. Once, when I'm about to leave and the second at the TSA checkpoint. I'd rather wear sweats and a t-shirt to expedite the process.
This is mostly what most women are like on OKCupid though. Read my mind and say what I want you to say or I won't consider you. Unless you're cute.
poor you, not being a racist piece of shit must be soooo hard.