you've made this strawman point a couple times now...
they aren't teaching the history of computers in computer labs. if they were, then yes, i'd expect at least a couple examples of other systems.
you've made this strawman point a couple times now...
they aren't teaching the history of computers in computer labs. if they were, then yes, i'd expect at least a couple examples of other systems.
...and now popular science is going to be coming to my house for the next three years.
...and now popular science is going to be coming to my house for the next three years.
i used to love this movie so much as a kid. my dad, a bond purist, hated it along with all of the other brosnan bond movies.
but having watched it again recently, i can categorically say that it is fucking terrible. i was a stupid, stupid child. my dad, as usual, was right.
hmm...from the ones with actual release dates:
destiny, forza horizon 2, and the master chief collection
my wallet is already crying from all the great looking games coming out through the end of the year...
the peashooter's splash damage is very useful. one of the first classes i unlocked was the toxic peashooter, and that has been, by far, one of my favorite classes.
hey, i was going to say exactly this, but i'm glad to see that somebody else already has (and sounded a lot less dickish than i probably would have).
yeah, i would love to convert my burner account into a linked account if i could, since i've been using it for a while now and it's my username on other sites.
nope. there were a couple on jason's tomb raider reaction post. i emailed him and he took care of them already. he said they were getting slammed by them.
i'm sure it'll be a timed exclusive. get the fuck over it.
yeah, pretty much every ship battle i got into started with the ram, followed quickly by broadside cannons.
stop it.
where did all of the terrain over the water go in those two years? it's definitely a pretty game, but that in particular, was jarring to me.
you're cute. don't ever change.
Mostly the spectacle of seeing an early-90s C-list (post-Star Wars, pre-Batman Mark Hamill! Biff from Back to the Future! Malcolm McDowell!) stumble their way through a surprisingly decent space opera
wow...what a terrible analogy.
nintendo product (mario):something completely unrelated (guns)::nintendo product (mario kart):something related (cars)
it looks like free, optional DLC to me. i saw later in the thread that you asked if you can toggle it on/off...solution: get in first place, then you don't have to see it. also, why are you paying that much attention to what others are driving, rather than the road/obstacles/power-ups.
which is why i drive a shoe with clouds coming out of it...
with your original and witty commentary, i'm sure you're a hit at parties, too.
and here i thought i couldn't be more hyped.