
"It is costing you money"

Images are not working. You might have been looking for this.

I have no doubt that is going to happen. The primary motive behind these changes is money, after all. And money comes from people browsing the site and looking at ads.

Not going to flame here. I have cooled down a bit. Once I get emotional and type a comment, I know I should not hit "Submit", but sometimes I do it anyway. This was such a time.

Hah, I knew you would have an answer to that ;-)

I'd like to do two things with this post; (1) posting about my trouble, and (2) explaining the complaints, which are totally valid, because IMO this is as the most stupid way this should be handled. It is a summary of what has been said, with my own points mixed in. This will not be a friendly read, maybe even harsh.

Each user would have his/hers own Dropbox folder with Whitson's suggested setup. That way, different users would have different profiles and settings. The only thing you do not want to do is put the portable apps in a shared folder, like Program Files.

"[...] that were of little interest to most people [...]" *Checks Pidgin article*, *Sees 500,000 hits*

That is only half true. Unless you get a payed plan, which start at a very reasonable $7 a month, anyone is able to view, download and modify the source code of your website. Others cannot upload source code back to your repositories though, unless you give them permission via organisations, pull requests etc.

Approving. Thank you for posting that.

I object to the implication of certain people here and elsewhere on the internet that the law is intrinsically good. Just because an action or an object is defined as illegal in certain countries or states, does not mean that it is unethical to do or have such a thing.

I send the occasional PM when I have something personal or off-topic to discuss. I am not a huge user of the system, but I am glad it is there.

Impress.js requires a lot of work per presentation; positioning, size and other attributes all have to be set manually per item. [Deck.js] has a bit of a set-it-and-forget-it nature, which I find extremely appealing and is also the reason that I find [Deck.js] superior.

VOTE: Deck.js

Don't feel bad; I made the choice of going after it, not you.

They profit less from you if they lower your price, they do not profit at all if you go to another company. It does not matter to them where you got the tip, or for what reasons you are actually calling, as long as you remain a customer of theirs.

I do not understand the hatred on Beats. I won a pair myself, but I fail to see the quality issues. I think they are lovely.

He did it with this piece of JavaScript. It basically checks for <h2 /> tags and displays the duplicate of it next to the paragraphs under it with some CSS and JavaScript, which fade in and out at the appropriate times.

No silly, that is the syntax as entered in the AutoHotkey script. He only types the characters within the colons.