Good for you, I really mean that. Please see my reply to @lemke.
Good for you, I really mean that. Please see my reply to @lemke.
I left my laptop open. My teammates went browsing for a few seconds. I know I shouldn't have let them "look something up". For extreme clarity: This is not what I wrote and I do not agree with what has been posted under my name.
But really, is it best to live safe and have no fun or to live it up and end it all a little early?
That kinda defeats the purpose, right?
Does anyone know if it will be available outside of the US? Even in The Netherlands?
Replying to promote. Congratulations with the feature.
Quality post, Jason! Keep it coming.
Music or video files that have been deleted or went through a name change, without updating the iTunes library.
Lifehackers comment system only allows links of a certain size. If it is too long, it will cut it and add some dots.
It would. The principle of dual booting remains the same. But if you need a guide to know how to do it, I'd advice against trying.
The following will fix it for you.
We generally don't tend to think in currency, but in beers, kebab etc. If I buy a round then someone else will buy the next one. I fully trust my friends with this, and so do they.
Promoting your comment by replying - the system is kinda broken with unapproved commenters' threads.
You can get a job because of the knowledge you possess. You are not trained to do a job however, that happens in tuition environments of a lower level, where you learn to be a craftsman, for example.
I find it to be a lot more funny when friends tell me what I did. :)
Little bit of advice:
University/college is for academical enrichment, not to learn a profession.
Getting wasted might be overrated, but getting wasted + laying that cute girl from that one class is definitely worth the headache in the morning ;-)