
Here is my main problem... shes a major idiot... she doesn't have a long term partner and doesn't use protection... regardless of pregnancy or abortions that is so dumb no matter what age... but shes 25... old enough to know better let alone a sex education worker. Seriously wtf is wrong with her brain. I dont care

Hi everybody! Your friendly neighborhood ShutTheFuckUp Man here. That other thread over at Gawker Prime is such a trainwreck that even I don't have time to find all the people who need to be told to shut the fuck up. If you happen to come across any truly egregious posters, please send up the STFU Signal and let me

It seriously almost feels like she has an air of glee about it / is happy about it. I have some crazy gut feeling that she intentionally got pregnant just to do this...Which makes me feel sick at even the thought.

I think this needs more mansplaining about how she doesn't have autonomy over her own body. Can someone link a couple hundred outraged screeds by angry white middle-aged men who want to control female sexuality?

It's a disheartening amount of "I am pro-choice, but abortion is bad and sluts should feel bad for having abortions because sluts. But yeah, I'm totally pro-choice."

Just a warning for my fellow Jezzies who are also Gawkerites: The comments on the Gawker version of this article are infinitely depressing.

Whose privacy is being invaded? If we don't know who is in the stalls, no one's privacy has been invaded.

As a gun owner, these people disgust me.

I cannot believe they were surprised the people were terrified. I think this is exactly what they wanted. Makes them feel powerful.

I think it implies a rather sad view of men, too. Like their only possible value is monetary, so they have to earn more than their wives.

I've never understood people and their fear of women out-earning men. Even my mother (who, bless her soul, is often prone to saying things that make my brain hurt) was upset when she discovered that my wife will easily out-earn me (gee, mother, do you suppose a physician might out-earn me?)

Women feed their families on pixie dust and rainbow magic

They have Black People on Fox News?!?

What I always hated was that I grew up as the daughter of a divorced woman who had the sole responsibility for raising the three of us. She once got passed up for a promotion because—in the words of the hiring manager at the time, "Well, [this man] has a family to feed."

This dress + white couch really scared the shit out of me for a second.

Bread is good, no matter where it comes from!

The absurdity that anyone would long for those days IS the joke.

That's all I got. This is too stupid for anything else.

This is such a dumbass move. I know PBR is cheap but it is so fucking terrible. Why can't they make the wontons with Stella or something else that's just a couple price points up? The burger looks delicious aside from the swill they're serving with it. GODDAMNIT PHILLY DO BETTER.

Okay, I see your point about Sinéad as a performer, but she still has some valid comments on the industry.