We need to recognize that the reason these schools are on the the list is not because sexual assault is a greater problem in their student body than at other schools, but because their students and professors are more out spoken advocates.
THANK FUCKING GOD- also, someone needs to do some digging on that original judge and figure out why he's trying to so hard to justify a grown man having sex with his 14 yo STUDENT being okay
Let those among us without an image of a lady inserting a plane into her vagina copied to our clipboard throw the first stone.
And while I don't know about this particular activist, it's not like America had a long history if civil disobedience or anything. I mean, obviously people should just obey the law. That Martin Luther King sure was a dirty rabble rouser.
Yes, the illegality of talking to a person.
But you need a license to catch a fish. —my friend Bill
"but I just want to retreat to my room and sob."
Any less than two cameras at one time and their world will collapse.
My response, when I saw this on a friend's FB feed yesterday with his line "pretty accurate," was "Start every sentence with 'You know you're banging a narcissist when he thinks...' and sort it out from there." My addition actually does make that list pretty darn useful!
I have no idea. Especially considering how hard it is to adopt when one is a member of the LGBT community. I imagine that their former professions helped them somewhat?
God dammit don't tempt me! I wanna put that on a patch with Hobby Lobby's color scheme and lettering. But it would be ironic that I would have to go to Hobby Lobby for the screenprint paint......DAMN YOU HOBBY LOBBY!!
1.) People who are not doctors or scientists really need to immediately STFU about medicine and science. 2.) Controlling what a doctor can say? First Amendment, anyone? 3.) I realize these sentiments may be contradictory, but I'll stand by them anyway.
Seriously. If jesus appeared tomorrow, he'd be like, children are fucking dying of diarrhea in many parts of the world and this is what you choose to spend your time on?
THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE, how do you get a whole community to show up for shots EVERYDAY? THAT WOULD TAKE HOURS AND HOURS.
Don't get me wrong, I expected them to change some things but this is so totally different. I was surprised how upset I was by some of the little things, like the giver taking jonas's hands instead of touching his back (did hollywood think it would be too gaybones or something?) and injections? and why is he talking…
Security access? Three days? Do they store company secrets in the lactation room?
A pyramid scheme is one where the "first ins" profit on the backs of those later to the game. My Company is not like that, there is no passive income plan. I earn my commission pay by coaching my downline; I regularly participate in selling events to earn my sales goals. But they are MY goals on MY TIME, and that is…