
I’m a clean person, I shower every day and all that fun stuff, and I randomly got a staph infection on my leg once with no actual injury precipitating the infection. I caught it early, because it went from “red bumpy hair follicle” to “spreading redness and ouch, it kind of hurts/burns” over a couple days. Luckily I

I’m a white person from the northern midwest and I’ve been aware of the racial associations of Kool-Aid (especially grape) since I was a child.

This looks like a great way to strangle myself in my sleep.

Renae Plant looks exactly like my Australian aunt and it’s freaking me out.

Technically the placenta is the baby’s organ, not the mother’s. But agreed.

I have a factory owner friend who is constantly amazed and outraged when he’s told by female potential hires that the starting wages he offers are not sufficient to allow them to afford childcare. He told me one woman flat-out told him during salary negotiation she’d be better off staying home with her children,

I live in an area where many Ojibwe also live, and I went to nursing school with an Ojibwe woman. We had a unit that was all about acknowledging beliefs of our patients and I went to her for help with connecting better with my patient, an elderly Ojibwe woman. My classmate ended up telling me about skinwalkers, and

Yep! 5’2” woman here. Desks & countertops all give me a sore back. Since I’m in the sciences and frequently work at those 60s or 70s era black soapstone lab benches, I’m painfully aware of how much taller I would need to be (some idealized man’s height, I’m sure) for that to ever be a comfortable process.

Source? Not sure most of these mass shooters were actually ever diagnosed with a real mental illness.

Less guns: the only approach SCIENTIFICALLY correlated with lower gun deaths of all kinds. Jesus Cristo, listen to all of these people whining about “mental illness” and “social problems.”

No, I would often do the same thing on first dates. If the guy got really offended, that was a good indication to me what sort of person he was (aka not one I will enjoy dating). I did once have a guy I was really into stop returning my texts after I insisted on paying for my own beer & meal. It was strange, we both

Well, you’re talking to the enemy here. I studied at and toured CAFOs as well as small-scale slaughterhouses as part of my major. Despite what PETA wants you to believe, there is no systemic torture and most people try to make sure the animals don’t suffer. Yes, there are worrying aspects to the practice of

“diversity chief”

But we weren’t talking about animal agriculture, were we? Or are you another internet vegan just out to tilt at every windmill simultaneously?

North Dakota.

Okay Spock.

It’s absolutely different. People who eat the animals they hunt have respect for animals, and they recognize the value of an animal’s life because it literally sustains them. The hunters I know genuinely fear and avoid causing unnecessary pain and suffering because they want to eat with a clear conscience. Also, real

“Don’t laugh, don’t laugh...”