
I remember loving their initial first appearances. That Rick Leonardi artwork... And does this mean Bill Mantlo gets more money? I hope so. The man deserves every penny.

Who the hell is playing Mon Mothma? She looks so much like the original actress.

Teenaged Mutant Ninja Doomsday

Hoping for the Sienckewicz/O’Neil Moon Knight

I don’t know... on one hand I’d probably rather have a Moon Knight series than an Iron Fist one... but on the other, how can you have Luke Cage and no Danny Rand?? So confused right now...

Id take more 4400 over more Heroes, any day.

Gary Oldman in Fifth Element.


Super green!

Who else but BRIAN BLESSED?

I used to work with a guy who was nice enough, but was pretty dumb, and when this movie came out, this was an actual conversation.

Here’s James Bond.

I hear you. I just feel like it looked/looks super low budget regardless of what technology there is. It seem like they ran out of money or ideas for his look. If he was at least more tactical (see below) I would be willing to accept it, but, IMHO, he just looks like a guy in a scuba suit with some details glued on.

My God, the makeup artist on the first season was on crack. Made CW characters look like HBO, by comparison.

How was she never in a Bond movie before?

Is that even a real ear?

Now playing

Whelp. I did make something back in October when the first trailer dropped with another famous robot that gains sentience and rebels against their creators.

I'm sorry....are we forgetting THE "so horrible, you have to see it" movie of the last quarter century?