
Couldn’t continue past “something like a consensus pick for greatest fighter of all time.” GSP is an all-time great, but THE greatest? No. No. No. Non. Nyet. Nein.

lol I don’t believe this is true

“TV show is the canon”, you arrogant son of a bitch you! We share our world with you and you fucking ingrates dare turn on us like this?!

Very well written Hamilton. Thank you.

If you’re really wondering this maybe you need to read this site more often

LMAO that is one of my favorite Twitter follows.

And I’m talking about the people who (probably) voted for & represent, and therefore are represented by the individual currently in the White House and the idea that anything Maxine Waters may have said about Russia’s involvement with Syria could be at all as dumb as anything being said out of Washington, and how this

Your republican friends really feel comfortable discussing opposition that “doesn’t know what she is talking about”? Interesting.

Imma just continue not caring, dude.

We are stuck with Gruenfeld forever. *vomits*

I can’t imagine trump or bannon giving a shit about morale.

And we can judge Brady as a coward for doing so. He’s a big boy, doesn’t need you taking bullets on his behalf.

Don’t you fucking dare!!

Beat The Witcher 3 last week, got Heart of a Stone on Monday and downloading Blood and Wine as we speak. Gonna be a great weekend.

Including the two men that killed him? They were involved and are not here any more.

I like this.

Gullible how sir?

Really don’t know what you all would do without Simmons.

Would I have to live in Kansas?

I agree with pretty much everything you said but how much of the responsibility is on the American people? How are these “heartland of America” residents so obtuse to problems that don’t directly effect them, that would take little or no effort to solve so we can handle issues that might prove to impact their personal