Replying to promote so someone who knows can answer. Try Googling it?
I am ALL FOR very large skirts, but I'm special with a capital SPE.
The whole movie is fantastic. I re-watched it the other day with a friend who had never seen it before. :D
I need to take out a $500,000 loan to enhance my sleeves POST-HASTE! HOW WILL I EVER SNAG A MAN OTHERWISE?!
Ahahaha, I hadn't even considered a LoTR joke. :P That would have been much better than what was essentially "Look at these dumb people helping someone find a lost ring. How dumb!"
I think that Doug and possibly Lindy are the snarkiest writers. The others snark too, but not about good things like this. It's disappointing.
You're welcome!
Too much flippancy for such an endearing tale.
Probably because of The Bean.
What?! Are puffy sleeves normal?! OH GOD MY BODY IS SO DISGUSTING.
Psh, whatevs, Donohue. Rabbi Waskow can totally come chill with me. I bet he'd like my baby kitty, and we can have totally awesome chats together about religion and life and incorporating faith into the modern age and how kickass Rabbi Waskow is and how you suck.