
I think we can all agree...

If it's here.. Isn't it current gen? *SPLOSH* (That is the sound of your mind being shred through time and space in all eternity as your body rots and maggots f- I'll stop.)


I question any cooking method that will make food taste like ammonia if you make a wrong step.

If gamers want to have video games taken seriously, part of that is opening up the medium to critical theory, discourse, and inquiry. Constantly evoking the "they're just entertainment" not only does a disservice to video games, but limits the possibilities of the medium itself.

I might add that part of the thing that can makes Hatred so off putting is that unlike games like GTA where you can kill innocent civilians, in Hatred, killing non-aggressive innocent bystanders is pretty much the only goal of the game (apparently), and apparently not optional. Killing innocent bystanders in GTA

There's a difference between a soldier, be it on one side or the other, and a deranged dude with an AK who wants nothing more than blood.

Because the aim of the game is to commit immoral acts for the sake of them and to take pleasure in them. That's immoral whether the acts are real or not. I totally support GTA, Manhunt etc. but there's something clearly different about this case.

I believe this type of game should not be censored, and it is indeed art.

Look at the YouTube comments and you'll see exactly the kind of people this game will attract.

Context is extremely important. Killing is bad, but killing for sadistic pleasure (like this game) is far, far worse than killing in self-defense. In most games, the people you kill are trying to kill you too, evening the grounds a bit. When you are attacking people that are totally harmless and non-threatening out of

Wrong. Context. Most other violent games you are engaged with enemy combatants, this is the mindless slaughter of innocents for no purpose other then wanton destruction.

There's no line in art either. That's why child pornography and snuff films are totally legal. Wait. They're not. Apparently, there are lines. Whoops.

I'd compare this to Natural Born Killers; however, the trailer doesn't suggest any aspect of satire. And, in these times where a lot of warped adults, and kids especially, leave death notes that echo what appears to be the protagonist of the game, it's hard to argue the art point. What I think would be awesome is if

Depends on what you consider art. This is deliberately offensive trash, and I don't consider it art in the slightest. It's a mechanical process designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator of gamer, the kind of gamer that has drawn so much media attention as of recent events, and I don't consider any of this

People say that kale is food, but in my experience it is the plant equivalent of eating boot leather.

We actually cleaned out a car my mom had and found a french fry in the back seat. No one had ridden in the backseat except me, when I was smaller, like 4, 5 YEARS before, and that fry was as golden and crunchy looking as the day it fell down.

Shut your mouth! Fried okra is deeeeeelicious.

Anyone who has ever found a wayward french fry under a seat while cleaning out their car knows that McDonald's food does not rot. We're onto you, McDonald's!

This to me is the most important thing he said. SOOOO many white people think that black people exaggerate or "make up" police harassment. Or think that somehow it's "deserved" because of the high number of black criminals. Which is such bullshit.