
he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.

Oh, and then he licks his eyeballs! You know, like lizards do. Gotta moisturize.

Kinoki Detox pads! My (bright and well educated mother in law) bought them!! She has a Master’s degree and she fell for them. She’s gotten into natural/herbal/holistic woo woo crap lately though, so I guess it goes with that? It’s a shame to me, she’s a smart person!

Maybe it’s just me, but I never looked at a Barbie doll and thought “I want to be that skinny with big boobs and a small butt.” Ever. I was a skinny, scrawny kid who grew up to be a curvy, big-boobed girl with an ass and hips. I don’t look back at my Barbie as some sort of “figure” I needed to achieve. I was just

It’s better with a dragon!

I initially read that as “kinky Jew”, and thought to myself: “well of course a 99-year old woman in Miami would find a kinky Jew on her chest, it’s probably her husband”.

My god this is beautiful.

Many times, I have sung myself to tears. As an adult. In the car. This is not including the eight times I’ve seen it in the theater or the mulitple home viewings of the movie and the 25th Anniversary show at Royal Albert Hall. I never grew out of my pre-teen obsession and I’m ok with that!

I literally have this show memorized. In the car I sometimes I sometimes sing “Notes”, which is a conversation between 5 people. I like to give each person a different voice.

Oooooor “Because she dropped out of high school to raise a baby because her state requires parental consent for a teen to have an abortion.”

“Because she has probably been aborted,”

You know what encourages kids to explore music? INSTRUMENTS!

It’s so fucking hilarious how men think they should be able to be comfortable at all times while completely ignoring the numerous things they do that make women uncomfortable.

If you’re looking for comfort on public transportation you’ve already lost. Just grit your teeth and try not to think about how many asses you’ve inadvertently touched by 10:00 AM

Like no one has ever come up to me and said ‘HEY, HEY! Have you seen my tit in my kids mouth yet? HAVE YOU? LOOOOOOOOOOK.’

So avert your fucking eyes, Wendy.

Simple solution then, don't fucking look.

If you want to watch some crazy shit, check out Lucha Underground. It’s fun and weird and totally gets the things the WWE doesn't.

only when Stephen Amell was on it

As someone with three older brothers, I can confirm that childhood is essentially an amateur WWE production.