
No. Just no.

Totally agree! Black honey doesn't look right on me. Same with nars orgasm blusher, everyone says it's amazing, but it just doesn't look right at all on me.

Your dressing table is absolutely marvelous.

Now that is beautiful. The roses are a nice touch. You must be a lady.

Let's hang out. I'm old and goth and will forever love black lipstick.

Oh, fuck this. I'm guessing he was being bullied at his school and the adults couldn't be bothered to do anything to rein in the little shits, just like it was when I was a kid. The excuses were always, "oh, they need to work it out themselves," or "oh, honey, just ignore them, they're jealous," or other bullshit

Friday the 13th.

Okay, hear me out. I seriously doubt that many Republicans are genuinely evil, but: their entire platform supports the large-scale presence of (1) unwanted babies and (2) poor families, (3) without physical or mental health care, (4) who disdain education because it's elitist, so that they have the power to make a lot

Tortoiseshells FTW! We have two, sisters.

Mad propz for the pikachu pillow! :D

Cat in box is literally the size of a bobcat (as in, vet's initial reaction was OMG BOBCAT). The box is not bobcat-sized. It took him about 10 minutes to get settled in the thing.

I wore these fluevogs

I think that's fine.

I wore black for my wedding, too - my husband wore red hi-top Converse sneakers and a tie I found at a thrift store for $1. Thankfully my parents have always been the type to just shrug and let me do what I please as far as outfits go, so after trying on a bunch of lacy, ivory, froofy things that did my pregnant

We eloped (many in my family do) and I wore a black dress that I later loaned to people for funerals. We've been married over 20 years.

Good on you for sticking with your dream!


As a (sadly) former rabbit owner and rabbit shelter volunteer, I'm highly suspicious of his claim that only wild rabbits hump uncontrollably and that domesticated ones keep it in their pants.

Ok, I normally don't pull the "we can pay attention to more than one thing at a time" waste of time argument, but...