
Your dick is small ya ya ya

I get to not deal with children AND be lazier? WIN.

If diminished productivity is the downside of remaining childless, I accept.

I don't even know why, but I love The Rock. Maybe it's because WWE commercials played every 15 minutes during cartoons when I was kid. He just seems like a nice dude.

Coal miner's granddaughter and native West Virginian here, too. Yes, coal is a killer. My great-grandfather went into the mines in after dropping out of third grade. As an adult, he lost his leg at the hip because of faulty mining equipment. Screw coal.

I realize most people who don't live in WV won't realize just how bad she is but me on this. You see a candidate endorsed by anything with "coal" or "energy" in its name and you RUN. You run screaming because those people get my friends and family and neighbors KILLED.

Might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think 18 year olds should be eligible to serve as state legislators. The idea of 18-year-old me (with all of the crazy and stupid shit I used to believe at that age) having serious decision making authority over people's lives makes me shudder. We have age requirements for

Women get to have a life experience that men do not: they can carry a child within them that they will eventually birth. They get to bond with their unborn child and form attachments far earlier than men do with their children. Jealousy is not the emotion here; it's envy. Pregnancy is pure magic to me, and I envy

Straight coffee or gay coffee?

This pisses me off. My mom is Wiccan and we actually had a Samhain (Wiccan New Year) celebration this weekend. Although I personally am an Atheist, I really respect the religion of Wicca and the people that TRULY follow it and know about it. Wiccans don't believe in the Devil. They believe in a God and a Goddess.

Anyone else picturing this as like a 90s Tim Burton movie with Johnny Depp playing James?

Let's be friends.

I'm actually always happy to see younger people doing things I can no longer do. Like stay up late. And not have knee pain.

From what I understand, she straight-up refused the surgery until she was completely worn out. Baby was not in distress. He looked like he was ready for a sandwich.

They do know each other.

I read the same things you do! As for the October Daye series, read it ASAP! The newest book just came out, and is amazing. Seanan McGuire plants clues/bits of info in the early books that seem incidental, until BAM- those tiny points become SO important. Also check out her InCryptid series, starting with Discount

I was a server and bartender for 3 years in NOLA...instead of "in the weeds" we would say "I'm Tree'd!"

Falcon smiled slightly as she sipped her milkshake, stirring up the chocolate sauce that had settled at the bottom of the glass with a straw. Her gaze turned to the kitchen window, where a slight breeze caused the floral curtains to flutter gently. Lazily, she moved the curtain aside with a languid motion of her hand

Doesn't Kanye basically dictate what she wears? I thought I saw something about how they showed him picking out her clothes for her on an episode of her show a while back (and getting rid of a bunch of existing clothes of hers). I also assumed this because I recall liking a lot of her outfits pre-Kanye.