
What about Lana.....Lana..... LAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAA?

They want to make government JUST SMALL ENOUGH to fit in a vagina.

I really wish Cyrus would keep her frickin' tongue in her mouth.

After seeing what it did to the bed—-I don't care what the history is or that it is a precious sentimental heirloom from Granny....I would not be saving that blanket. Burn it. And the room. And the house. Hell...just evacuate everyone and nuke the neighborhood. Then put a dome up over the encompassing metro area that

I bet that was awful. Try to imagine: thousands of them, nesting on that bed, telling stories about their days on the Harvard rowing team and complaining about the Hamptons running out of rosé.

Do you deserve to have your bike stolen if you leave it unlocked? No, no one deserves to have their bike stolen. That's why we have laws against it. Locking your bike might even lower your statistical odds of being targeted a little bit, but then again it might not. Isn't it nice that you can go to the cops either way?

Hey, there's no need to be so fucking classist. These aren't "tuxedo cats"; they're just dressed reasonably: it's after five, and they're not farmers.

wow i really always come in with top notch input. i am an invaluable member of the jez commentariat. this place would fly into chaos without my organized and thought-provoking comments.

What I wonder is how people find out they like their food that way. Like, I can see the strawberry jam/cheeseburger thing, kind of — plenty of people serve fruit compotes with meat, and I can imagine thinking about that and experimentally trying jam on a cheeseburger. Weird, but not unfathomably so.

They would even mix it in with their sweet tea.

Until the big gay Duggar child wedding America has been holding its breath for!

Let's not forget their founder and CEO was vehemently against the HCA, and publicly outlined his plans to cut worker hours in order to get around the new restrictions. Or that they've illegally fired and threatened workers that were trying to unionize at their stores. Or that he's a huge right wing conservative who


The only thing I can think of when I hear Omicron is Lrrrrr, ruler of the planet Omicron-persei 8!

I don't get the mixed message on the cover. Mom and dad are packing heat, sure, so why are they using their daughter as a human shield?

Strongs join a growing number of families that are standing up for their 2nd Amendment rights by open carrying and bringing gun ownership out of the closet and into the mainstream.

When my cousin transitioned from male to female (including surgery), she changed both her first and last names. While I will admit sometimes slipping and calling her by her old unisex first name, I am in the wrong. People have a right to be called what they please.

Now that I'm 32, married and fully concrete in the fact that I'm never having kids, I no longer abide by old underwear. I routinely refresh my underpants wardrobe once a year, getting rid of anything that's starting to wear out. If they get stained, I throw them out. Not having to worry about what I spend on underwear

You know, gross sexual life aside, I've never understood what people see in his work. I've always thought he was a derivative, no-talent hack, personally. He is to writing what Terry Richardson is to photography.