
I think of her less as heroic and more as kind of...trashy.

Hal Sparks does a hilarious bit about flying koalas and the ark. Sadly I was not able to find a clip online. :(

I am reminded of the weekend barista in the Starbucks at my new Safeway who had no idea how to make a “Skinny” peppermint mocha - she just made me regular ones without the whipped cream. I was delusional enough to believe that she just made them better...for a while. Because fat is delicious. And so is sugar.

I’m sure some slaves did report that their masters treated them kindly. Because it was either say that, or get punished.

As someone who wears black eyeliner every day of her life (I’m in my thirties, too!), I have to disagree with her too. It’s fine for some people, but brown or grey are better suited for others.

“But it’s also none of their business, and nobody has the right to judge all the people exposed by this leak.”

My mom is the absolute opposite. She does not understand why everyone with straight hair doesn’t perm it/curl it. She was completely boggled when I bought a straightener (my hair is half-assedly wavy; I just wanted to experiment).

You had a legit issue and weren’t happy. Kudos for seeking out a solution! I’m glad it worked for you.

It actually makes me feel marginally better to know this. I could not learn Spanish. Nor French. And to constantly hear “what do you mean you can’t learn Spanish? It’s SO EASY!” kind of made me feel like an idiot.

I loved this movie as a child - to the point that one of my childhood pets had Xanadu as her middle name. I was a huge fan of ONJ as a little girl. I loved the music, the dancing, and of course it was my first glimpse of the feminine divine, which stuck with me. But watching it again at 18, I didn’t think it had aged

Copperwood Tavern in Shirlington (Arlington) makes a smoked salmon Benedict. I’m sure I’ve seen it other places around here, but it escapes me at the moment.

There are a lot of good ones out there; the Silk Reflections were easiest (and cheapest) to find in the small town I was from.

I used to wear Silk Reflections thigh highs. Until the sillacone started bothering my skin. Thigh highs are so much better than pantyhose.

I have always heard that English is hard to learn, but Spanish is easy. Maybe Spanish should be our official language.

I HATE THIS. They’re not talking to you. It’s none of your business what language they’re speaking. People need to grow the hell up.

Given that she is enough a part of American consciousness to have a rhyme, I was really surprised. I mean, there’s stuff out there of course, but it’s not a lot. I realize that I was in a small town and our library wasn’t the greatest, but a lot of the stuff I found online was utter crap too.

I had to write a paper on her for a forensic psych class. I didn’t have much feeling about her one way or another until I was immersed in her story for a semester. Now I kind of cringe when I hear her name. The lack of decent research on the case shocked me, because it is so well known.

I wore Pan-Cake makeup in high school! They never made a shade pale enough to match (not really) but I didn’t care because I looked like I had perfect skin.

I have no idea what my grandmother wore, if anything. They were really, really poor and lived in a rural area. My mom was a carhop at sixteen though, simply so she could have a warm sweater and a tube of lipstick once in a while. Her favorite shade was Avon’s Pandora Pink. They haven’t made it for twenty years, but I

Bathroom trash or outside trash receptacle are perfectly. How is this even a question?