
And how much are men paying for a swimsuit that makes their junk look SMALLER?

I will not touch this with a ten foot pole. Nuh uh, no way.

I loved this show. I used to watch it with my dad. In fact...yesterday I handed it to him on DVD. Its not the best quality picture I've ever seen, but that hardly matters.

All I know is that early this morning when I woke up from my dream about the psychopathic serial killing ventriloquist dummy/marionette, I was damned glad I could reach out and grab my husband's hand.

Nope. I'll keep my Intuition, thanks. That thing cut my time in the shower way down because I don't have to lather up first. It does contain aloe though, so I have to shave first and wash the residue off really fast. But it's still worth it.

No one needs this shirt. This is just horrid.

Croque Monsieur/Croque Madam didn't even make the list? That's like my favorite sandwich!

I don't care about DIY or Home Improvement. But I saw Lindy's name on this and clicked...SO GLAD:

I have zero experience with this personally (obviously) but from what I've observed of families while on looks like a lot of work.

No! Candlejack runs around with rope and a can-

My husband and I travel and see the world... Because our cats and rabbit can be left alone with a pet sitter who only comes twice a day to feed them and pet them and dole out their medicine. If you try to do that with kids, you tend to get in trouble. I've never understood those people who claim that vacations are

The Mall of America store was my first (even though I live half an hour away from the DC store). I'm pretty sure I morphed into a seven year old just by crossing the threshold. My husband thought it was "cute." So much so that when the Today Show offered Marie-Grace or Cecile with two outfits for less than the

I had a similar thought: "Who lets their kid do that at someone's wedding??"

My mom wanted to name my brother Stanley or George. My Dad stepped in and stopped that. He named my sister before she could even open her mouth. So I'd like to know where the hell he was when she named me something boring that I hated from the time I first became aware. I had to have it legally changed.

I have Cecile. My husband got her for me when AG did the special through The Today Show. It's always irked me that she and Marie-Grace had less cool stuff than the other dolls - fewer outfits, etc. And now I know there won't be anything new. Bastards.

My cat got cold laser therapy for her arthritis. Her hips are not any smaller.

I do love The Addams Family....

I love this song so much I actually hunted it down as a teenager and drove my family nuts with it. But I don't know if it counts as a sit com? If it does, then The Fall Guy gets second place.

I bought the OPI Bond Girls textured collection simply because it was Bond Girls. It was okay, I guess. One step, and it lasts a long time. But I wouldn't have bought it had it not been Bond.

Part of it is genetic, and part of it is the fact that they don't feel the need to fill it full of product and heat style it, since it's going under a veil anyway. I have insanely fine, thin hair, and I think a veil would actually make things worse for me!