
Not anymore, she's not.

I get it a lot; it's easy, because my mouth turns down naturally and I guess my "default" look is a frown. It's guaranteed to get a real frown out of me, and I will not be nice to people who open with this.

"You would be so pretty if you'd just SMILE" is my favorite one.

Is it still called negging if you're in a relationship and the guy does it the entire time?

My parents were that old.

I laughed out loud at this. Seriously, it made my day - I think it's hilarious. Athough I do think it's sad that it's necessary to go to this extreme to get people to pick up after their pets.

"The passive aggressive bullshit when you're angry. If you're mad and I'm not getting why, just fucking tell me. I will do my best to make it better and if I'm the cause of your anger, I'll apologize and fix it."

My husband uses Herbal Essences and lotion from Bath & Body Works. He chooses bodywash by smell alone, the fruitier the better. He always smells "like a girl." He really doesn't care what other people think. I mostly don't mind because it means we don't have seventy different bottles in the shower. The only time

Oh, if they made it for rabbits! Well, I still wouldn't buy it because she'd kill me in my sleep. And my kitty is getting up there in years, so I'm not sure she could handle it either.

It was the early 1990s.

One of my teachers in college (who would later be my boss) told me that when she practiced law full time, one particular circuit court judge told her to never, ever show up to his courtroom in pants again.

Good to know that One Million Moms is just as opposed to the straight sex as they are to the gay sex. Equality, and all that.

I see this same thing all over NoVA/DC, too. But I'm seeing dingy, faded, frayed granny bras that in no way match/coordinate with the top - it looks like they grabbed whatever and just don't care if it shows, rather than that they were going for "a look." I think it's tacky, but to each their own.

It looks foolish. It has always looked foolish, and will continue to look foolish. Especially when they try to do it with skinny jeans. WTH?

You know...if you call me a "cunt," I pretty much just write you off as worthless and not deserving of my further consideration.

Oh my Gods, that always bugged me, because I never understood it. If you're not involved in the conversation, if the people aren't trying to talk to you, WHY do you CARE what language they're speaking?

I'm all for MOST people having enough English or Spanish to get by. I think if you can say "How much is this?" and "Where is the bathroom?" in either language when you get here, you'll pick up other stuff as you go along.

Men have to be so careful about how they dress, and they're constantly being harassed and catcalled and groped because we women can't control ourselves as it is.

It would bother me more, if not for two things:

My husband calls me nasty, gross nicknames. They generally involve some sort of bodily function. He does not get why I don't think they're cute (and in some cases offensive and/or hurtful). Though I have tried to explain to him, countless times, that many women don't appreciate being referred to as "poo face" by