
As much as I love this idea, I HATE that some companies force you to use proprietary phones. Case in point: I had a beautiful S3 from US Cellular. 6 months later US Cellular says "we're leaving Chicago." I know my coworkers have spotty reception in the office, so I take an informal poll. Turns out only US Cellular,

I need to find this video, but I promised myself I'd never cry at the office.

Indeed that is one cute pup.

Wow... I'm really glad to hear that you are using this opportunity to better yourself (instead of just being the "stay-at-home" girlfriend.)

I believe it! Luckily I haven't missed a payment yet. :)

And this is the point in the conversation where I leave. It was fun consistently proving you wrong. But I refuse to be on some sort of government watch list because of a dumb shit who decided to post actual instructions on how to build a weapon.

Thank you! I was just worried because I'm applying for grad school loans and didn't want a higher interest rate.

So I know this sounds weird, but on Credit Karma my score was 780 in April, then dropped to 745 in May. The only difference was that I had carried a $20 balance on one of my credit cards (normally I pay off the balance every month.)

Nah. It's just proof that you have really bad judgement. :)

In his mind, if one person could have a kid at 19 and STILL be a success, then everyone who didn't do it was just too lazy.

You know if she had been successful they probably would have claimed that she "didn't need the money"

You spent the time to creep on my other posts? I'm flattered! But if you took enough time you'd realize I'm getting my graduate degree in medicine.

I really wonder if that isn't the best solution; have a shit ton of liberals move to Texas to turn it into a blue state.

I would vote for this team so hard the ballot machine would be like "woah woah woah!"

Now I'm not a doctor, but I did do a bit of research. The B vitamins, much like vitamin C, are water soluble, which means at some point your body just gets rid of it instead of absorbing it. (This is why it's EXTREMELY difficult to OD on either of them.)

I agree with you, but sometimes vitamin deficiencies can be caused by an issue with absorption.

While I do agree that last-minute bookings will save you money, I don't know if I'd condone this practice. Not because it causes the staff to be mean, but because it can start a vicious cycle of re-booking and canceling. (Thus leading to a hotel-room paradox.)

LOL. Glad I gave you something to do with your day.

Thank you for the clarification!

You obviously didn't read the OP. It's not just one, but 100 bb's. And I'm not "worried about the children" since it's obvious none of you will have any.