To Horizon’s credit, the game takes place millions of years in the future
To Horizon’s credit, the game takes place millions of years in the future
Wonder if the devs have included feral bellinghamsters...
And since birds are descendants of dinosaurs...
Wonder Dice have since offered him a credit in the game’s manual, and a chance to design a game with them in the future.
Luckily that “feature” can be deactivated in account settings.
That “feature” can be disabled in your account settings.
What... couldn’t find another taxi?
Oh that’s just great... I finally get over the trauma that is the cassowary in Far Cry 3 and now I gotta deal with this >.<
Right? They were pretty damn good. Now, you wanna talk cars that handle like spastic baby giraffes on iceskates? Yep, looking at you, Watch Dogs.
I think I would personally push Conner up.
PINKY WING! Damn I loved me some R.A.T. pinky wing.
‘Moderation in all things’ — Hesiod, Greek poet, 700bc.
The Punisher should have been left behind with Rob Liefeld’s career.
Or they don’t know. “Hey, this symbol, this Punisher thing — it’s pretty cool. We should totally conscript that logo as our thing.” Voted on by committee. approved and stickers slapped on their cars — without knowing or bothering to learn what it’s about. Like, dudes, read a damn wiki page.
Counter-point: Dion - The Wanderer. Enjoy the earworm.
The Geneva Conventions are a direct result of having to listen to “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”
You’re mixing your calculations...
Icehowl strat... let it charge the wall, then go ham while it’s stunned :p
Considering FC Primal & AC Origins come from the same devs (Ubisoft Montreal)... and AC:O now has an eagle you can send out to view map & harass enemies — I’d say you’re not too wrong :p
Have you seen the trailer for the upcoming Monster Hunter game? You get to play as Aloy.