My Fantasy League:
I like the cut of your jib !
That’s a given but Yen is not always around... disappears for lengthy amounts of time. The other two always seem to be close at hand... hence the question :p
And I would be ok with that. Zero fucking tolerance for texting/Facebooking while driving.
See what happens when you drive on the incorrect side of the road? That would have ended up on the shoulder in ‘Murica :p
There’s a Ruth’s Chris in St. Lois & Clayton... skip that place and go to Morton’s instead :p
Sure - besides being very expensive, it actively tries to kill you.
Orange you glad it was only one banana?
Yes - search YouTube ‘Obama out’ - this is from his final White House Correspondents Dinner - where he roasts several people... including Trump.
90GB! Proof that all heroes don’t wear capes. Godspeed, LTT. Godspeed.
Bruh, that’s like not even comparison, bruh.... it’s like asking “hey, would you rather eat this muddy dirt pie or this prime New York Strip, prepared medium rare?” Shani by more than 12 parsecs :p
Stealth is a good opener... going in ‘big guns’ is sure-fire way to get killed to death :p
Closing in on 100 hours... been to Daybreak Tower but not Meridian. Get there sooner or later. Probably later.
Blaze is hella easy to get. Harvesting arrows produce 6 of whatever you shoot off (blaze, chillwater, etc) — that means one Grazer will get you 24 blaze canisters... 5 Grazer herd nets 120 blaze. Should keep you going for a bit :p
I have a friend who doesn’t kill many, many things... he’s always short on wire. Since I kill the world, I have tons of mats —- selling wire in full stacks.
My favorite: puzzle was: “World’s Largest Desert” and the lady lost on solving because her pronunciation was “World’s Largest Dessert”. Ouch.
Oh don’t be so obtuse!
Tron Ring Game springs to mind...