It’s just such a weird circle.
It’s just such a weird circle.
1968 visionary movie. Android tablet? iPad? Whichever... damn I love living in the future!
Hmm, where oh where have I seen something like this before....?
rightearrings ruinsit for me :(
Come on, Toyota... stop playing with my emotions and release the RSC into the wild already. Damn.
Damnit !! You just had to say it... “City of Heroes”.. now I gotta start making it a repressed memory all over again =’(
If the headlights are the eyes, what will light the road at night?
Isengard, please.
I’ve been pulled over once in the last 5 years and said a total of about five words to the officer during the stop.
Wow. Just... wow.
With great powder comes great responsibility.
...things we will Niva get.
Stupid sexy Eastern Europe.
Oh man, the memories. You’re making me miss the dark blue on light blue 1979 Buick Regal I got as a hand-me-down from my mom.
I was gonna be sorely disappointed in Jalops if this video was linked. Good job!
You think you hate it now, wait ‘til you drive it :p
Got me all excited for a moment... =(
Time to call in the big guns.... TACTICAL NUCLEAR PENGUIN.
I’ve got binders full of robot assassins!