
Just HDMI the little guy to PSVR... we live in the future for a reason!

FIAT... fast, italian, and topless?

Necromancer has been in Diablo 3 for a looooong time — they’re finally making him a player-character instead of an NPC.

I agree with Godzilla but thanks for that pic — I exhaled briskly through my nose.

I’m not gonna reload Skyrim.

And I was in the opposite camp. “Oh look, legs so oily that the overheard lights can be seen reflecting in the oil.” And once people started talking about dry legs with drying white paint — that’s what I see now.

Well damn... all I saw was oily legs until I read your post. Now all I see is drying white paint and I can’t unsee that. Thank you. Also: damn you, I miss the oily version :p

1. Floating Adrift.

/Henny Youngman simulator on

Guessing because in the northern hemisphere (where the game developer is): fall starts September 22, 2017.

One year exclusive on Tomb Raider... dafuq was that all about? And it happens on both consoles — it’s asinine.

Oh, somebody is trying to bring a new electric vehicle to market? Hope they conduit!

I’m not seeing how Diablo’s RMAH can be considered gambling — there was no betting, no game of chance, you don’t roll/buy crates hoping something nice is inside — it was a straight-up sales transaction. Seller posts Sword of Awesomeness_01 for $35, buy pays $35 and gets a shiny new sword.

Very good point — I think that’s why I’m drawn to it. Cheers, mate.

X-01 or GTFO.

Wood all the things!

Justice porn. Was the BMW even in a left turn lane — it doesn’t look like one to me.

Given how well the Gallardo functions underwater, I’m surprised that feature is not an option for the Huracán.