
Yes and more info will be released later this month. This isn’t the only thing they have in store. Come on man, save this comment for July 1st. looks identical to Hearthstone. In every single way beyond actual aesthetic.

We don’t deserve things as good as this.

It doesn’t matter if ten thousand of them are non credible. Only one NEEDS to be credible for there to be a serious problem. You can’t take this shit with a grain of salt.

It’s...alright. One of the fights is in “a place” and it plays “the song you’d expect for that place”.

That’s kind of the point of NMH2, to be honest. It is aimless to a degree, that’s why it’s a Desperate Struggle.

Reminder that one of the plot points in No More Heroes is delivered in chipmunk speed because “it’s be too fucked up and delay the game” and that’s literally a thing they say in universe.

Killer Is Dead is ever so slightly not so good.

I always figured it worked both ways. Pokemon can say their name, that’s why they’re named what they are. But they can also do grunts and growls and stuff. It’s like with humans, we all have our own learned language and dialect, but at the end of the day we all share the same linguistic ability of *grunt*.

Or, Metal Gear Solid the Phantom Pain, which is LITERALLY divided into episodes, complete with open and end credits.

If you just ignore the games, all the REsident Evil movies are perfectly watchable. Yes they’re bad, yes they’re campy as hell, but fuck man sometimes you want to watch a funny bad movie.

The Last of Us. Like...seriously. It’s even basically structured like a movie. The Uncharted games as well. All you’d really need to cut is some of the more superfulous fighting segments.

She literally played through all the Metal Gears, and did a comic for a bunch of them, just to build up to this joke. It was worth it.

Advice from someone who is fairly good at Reinhardt. Symmetra’s entire offense kit, Winston’s gun, Zarya’s main fire, and all melee attacks pierce the shield, ignoring it completely. This is how you can really go about puncturing his iron body from range. Symmetra is especially good because the orb charge shot doesn’t

Certainly a good artist, but I can’t tell a difference.

Mei is definitely more of a problem, but even she has counters.

So is Annie from League of Legends. They could probably do it. Call her “a young teen” if anything. Just put this cool looking character in the game jeez.

It’s not a strategy game but Undertale seems like a thing you’d want. I’m not super big on pure 4x style strategy games, but another game that does some fairly mature themes well is Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions. The Tactics Ogre games also have that same kind of bent.

IT’’s not LIKE saying that, it’s literally that, that’s what this article is about. But yes, that’s the point. Don’t confuse mature/adult for “dark”, especially for the more grimdarky aspects of darkness.

I’m saying it’s not adult because it’s immediately going into goofy creepypasta shit, not because it’s not focused on adult things.