
Don’t know about the anime, but in the games the food processing is VERY humane, and after getting the food off the bone they bundle it together and send it back to the sea to be reborn.

The Old Spice comercials are acted well and completely straight and serious. That makes them funny, the seriousness mixed with the absurdist humour. The problem is that the Game Grump’s are laughing at their own joke, and acting badly on purpose because they cannot actually act well in the first place. It doesn’t mesh

I am calm, just asking the guy about his thoughts.

You’d call this good? The only joke to their acting is “haha we are acting bad on PURPOSE so it’s FUNNY”

That means nothing. Their site mentions “It’ll be usable with future Yacht Club and Nintendo games”. It’s not deconfirmed until it’s completely deconfirmed.

For me at least I was refering the most popular and well know of their style of games. I’ve never played Anarchy Reigns myself I’ve just heard it’s, at best, mediocre.

To be fair I’ve heard that’s not without good reason.

It’s a beat em up game ala Devil May Cry and Bayonetta.

You’re asking if someone proved “I’m a time traveller honest I swear” was fake?

The anime is the canon ending, so both yes and no, because the intent is for you to get that ending in the game last so it’s one big sort of build up up to it.

If you don’t want to play it watch the anime as it follows the canon path.

They definitely should of included 17 since he’s her brother. Gero and the others maybe not, since he’s just the one who turned them into Androids, and is not actually related to them.

The girl is Vegeta’s brother, far removed. The girl being held is Bra, Bulma’s daughter. The girl holding Bra is Bulma’s sister, who is a main character of the sort of spin off/prequel, Intergalactic Patrolman Jaco. I forget her name, I think it’s Pants though.

You’re mixing him up with at least two other people. Also It’s Hideki Kamiya.

I still want “The Happy Time Murders” to come out god damnit.

“I am the man known as Error. Tell my friend Bug to open the gate for you.”

I’m not trolling I’ve just always thought she was one due to her closeness with Marcy.

I still can’t believe Peppermint Patty is a lesbian who literally dated an actual dog for awhile. Imagine what that’d look like in real life.

I love this line because it implies Charlie Brown’s on better terms with her Dad then she is.

Early Peanuts had it vague about them being adults or children. I believe that’s part of the moral. People are basically just awful to other people.