
This is literally what the article is half about. They’re fixing it.

At the VERY LEAST, the code being “STEINE1” clearly means it’s for Steiner. Though yes this is garbage holy shiiiiiiiiit.

Genuinely want to get the Splatoon ones just to support Splatoon as a thing.

I disagree. I think Splatoon looks great. It can’t be TOO abstract and crazy like say, The Unfinished Swan since it’s a team based Shooter game as well. If the game environments didn’t come across clearly it wouldn’t be good. Point is, do try the game when it comes out, it’ll probably be a lot better then you think.

“less colorful and varied”
*is a game about shooting ink everywhere*

That’s kind of the idea. They want to see how heavy the serves can take so they can make them better on release.

They think they’re playing Risk. silly Aussies.

Tortoise on Tour (@Tortoiseontour on Twitter) did it, as I posted in my own comment (also linked to it, natch).

Guy who made this is

It was awful. His point stands.

This, forever. Konami’s proven why this will never happen. The social suicide from this will be phenominal.

I meant more the “the one Micheal wakes up in” part. When does he wake up on a UFO?

What do you mean by that, exactly?

Naw, Yooka-Laylee was Project Ukelele. It’s just a musical reference in general, obviously meant to evoke Banjo without directly being it.

Yeah. The joke is still there, since the game’s code name was Project Ukelele.

JonTron released a short video of him walking around a recording studio saying he’s working on a secret project he’ll tell us more about later. He posted it yesterday, then today this shows up. It’s not without merit.

You missunderstand. The game is coming to consoles regardless of the funding. But if we get it to a million, we get console releases on the SAME DAY as the PC version. That’s what the reward is.

Ukelele. As in “a musical instrument”

Internet peeps be mad at things happening.

SEriously though there are modders out there that really should just work on a game of their own they’re THAT GOOD. But don’t call it “an actual job” you dick.