A politician like this guy playing Stanley Parable may in fact be the ironic hyperloop that destroys the universe. It's kind of great.
A politician like this guy playing Stanley Parable may in fact be the ironic hyperloop that destroys the universe. It's kind of great.
Because X, I must Y. We need reasons to act. Star Wars wouldn't be interesting if Luke Skywalker was perfectly happy in his home, nothing went wrong, and he never left. John Wick's eponymous protagonist would bore us if he never had a reason to go around shooting people. So it's kind of weird to go play Far Cry 4 and…
It IS psycho to say all men are poisonous and all men should be killed, though. And trust me, I AM a lady, I'd really appreciate my gender not being rape fuel. I'd also be against demonizing all men.
Thanks. I agree with basically all those points, but Anita is kind of a psycho from what I've seen so it's hard to actually SAY that without getting shouted at.
So what the fuck was Birdman anyway? Was it like...actually a movie adaptation of the Hannabarbara BIIIIIIIRDMAAAAN show?
Actually a fact and I love it.
Drill Dozer is legitimately one of my favorite games of all times.
No, that game is brutal hard and kind of bullshit.
I...wouldn't exactly call this a platformer, but okay.
One of his abilities, "ancient chimes," drops, well, chimes around the map at regular intervals for the champion to pick up and receive "a brief burst of movement speed, experience, and mana." The idea, then, is that he should be moving around constantly in order to reap the greatest rewards for himself and the rest…
All these people sound horrible.
The intended release date that they shot for was 2015, so we're still on track. It's almost finished, even.
This is a poster for the Justice League, not some Aquaman movie. It's teasing the Justice League.
This is going to be awful. Look at his trident! It's got five prongs. It's...a Pentadent. Or the legendary fork of the sea.
Which raises the question: will Sony make another handheld? Should they?
The issue is that they made it matchmaking only. There is no "not matchmaking" now, is the issue. As far as I can tell.
M.E. No, this change applies to all levels of the Weekly Heroic.
"The Souls games have done a great job of creating a community that hugely value the intention behind their design, and from later iterations of the design, and from interviews with people involved in the game, it is clear that there are areas of the game design that were not as intended. Certainly it is fair to play…
Yeah I did that, but I want to see a huge list of all my achivements, not just the top six rarest ones.
I too would like to know this.