
Why are you reporting this as if we're surprised it's free? Are things that bad that it needs to be said?

They are. Or were, anyway.

It's also a real Call of Duty title.

6. Thou Shalt Quit Reminding Us That The Game Auto-Saves

Old characters that have new moves—like how Young Link can wallrun, and Luigi has a flutter jump

Welp, now we have to kill Megan Fox. You're not touching Gundam Wing or Jurassic Park, and you're SURE AS HELL not touching Sailor Moon.

I always thought that was Chico's thing. Even his "name" means boy! It's pretty obviously a disguise.

That explains a lot.

Of course it is. This movie details how Lupin and Jigen became partners. Lupin is also the EXACT type of guy who'd fake losing an eye to dick with people.

Last Guardian is being made by the guy who made ICO and Shadow of the Colossus. In this case, 7 years of development is not the Colonial Marines or Duke Nukem Forever style "we've been passing this around so much that it sucks", and more like the Nintendo style of "we don't release this until we're sure it's great."

Validity: 100% — I'm... not exactly sure what to say.

Unless Snake is here.

They're fucking shoes. Those are the ONLY new thing about this character design. SHOES.

PRovide a picture of this.

Nope, sorry.

He legally changed his name to Ultimate Warrior, dammit.

The only thing I don't like about this Final Smash is NOTHING.

Korean MMO. They literally define F2P.

He seems like the guy that would be. A good portion of his adult life was spent pretending to be Literally Death.

If Sheldon is normal I don't want friends any more. I'd shove my fist into his chest cavity.