
"Struth, iffen you're gonna make someone act, pay em."

Ahh, okay.

I'd like that. They even have a sort of set up for it in Platinum.

And it comes with both games.

I'd agree quite a lot with what you said, and will add THANK YOU for mentioning The Wonderful 101. Everyone with a Wii U should buy that.

You've got some good points, marred by your lack of understanding paragraphs.

Still though, some good points. I wouldn't say Nintendo is the group that says "oh our way is THE FUTURE, maaan", I'd say we're more "I'm driving this because it's really fun to drive".

Like why I want to ride in a Delorean or something. Sure

OH, I just realized you're the author of the above news piece. So I figure I should respond.

I disagree. The console generation has always been decided by time, not power. The Wii U is the next Nintendo Console, XBone is Microsoft's next console, and PS4 is Sony's. They are part of the same gen. You can think however

Nope. That's not how it works.

That's not even remotely what I'm referring to and you know it, haha.

The 3DS is part of the handheld systems and is part of it's own numbered gens with other hand held systems. But because basically no one else is putting up a fight when it comes to handheld, no one's counting.

Next gen is already here, the Wii U.

I personally believe that the series would be best if it actually had a growing cast, instead of a stagnant cast. As it is, each season might as well have a new character.

As an example, look at Pokémon Special. Each character in that ages and grows and learns as they journey. Each is different and all are more badass

Pretty sure the Fire and Ice thing isn't new, but then I don't recall.

It also uses it as a focus for calming it's mind (clearly psychic) and can heat it up with it's mind, causing fire. So it's a wand snack.

Maybe they will!


Fire types can't be burned and ice types can't be frozen, either.

They're fashion designers who want to make the world beautiful.

So close.

There was initial confusion in that way, yes. We'll just have to wait and see though.

My guess is that Froakkie will eventually become the final "Journey to the West" trio, with Monferno and Emboar, so him being water and fighting makes sense.

I'd disagree.