
It was not saying rape is right, it was saying there are ways to reduce your chances of being raped.

Yeah. Also, it’s not like Trump ever speaks any better than this. He appears to have a vocabulary of about 50 words and no notion of semantics, tone, register and context.

So, it was tremendous media. And we took a picture of everybody, the wives and the leaders, and then the leaders, and, you know, numerous pictures outside on the river. Then everybody walked in to see the opera. Then the opera ended. Then we walked into a big room where they had dinner for not only the leaders —

I wore my hair parted in the middle with barrettes at the time and I looked like shit. But again, I sort of hate the ‘90s look because I was already an adult in the ‘90s.

This article was shared on Facebook with the caption “A good first step”. In what direction, exactly? Poor Charlie is very likely suffering. Even if the treatment is successful, he will never have any quality of life whatsoever. What first step?
Also: the border wall budget thing, the fact that the GOP is blocking

I’m a skeptic too, but I must interrogate myself on the value of these rituals, which are basically just a way to bring emotions into focus. You can read virtually anything in those cards, and usually the reading is positive, constructive, no one’s going to tell you you’re going to die because your Hanged Man was

I don’t believe he actually listens to her. Or rather, I do believe he probably does, but I don’t think Trump takes women seriously, not even his own daughter (particularly not his own daughter, of whom he has been quoted as saying she’s “hot” and he would “date her”, and that’s about it).
Provided Ivanka is actually

Actually, it doesn’t. The Slow Food movement has changed the face of the Italian food industry and deals with the quality, not the speed of the food. Pizza is still quick even when it’s good!

I’m not entirely sure he is sad by our current definition of the word. I don’t think he feels sadness. I find it more likely that buying people’s time, attention and loyalty (and quite possibly, bodies, given his penchant for marrying attractive social climbers) gives him the feeling of being all-powerful, and

Politico sent a copy of the tape to the White House

“Tremendous” and “fantastic” would also do the job.

28 when they started dating, though, right? That’s how I remember it.

Yep. We know by now how vicious he is. When Veronica Lario divorced Silvio Berlusconi he went to court and negotiated his alimony, but never spoke ill of her in public. I can’t imagine Trump doing the same. If she so much as tried to leave, he’d destroy her. She’s a trophy wife and she chose to play the game she’s

Right? I was really happy. It was a tiny speck of complete awesomeness.

Woo! This is so cool.

About 1,000 people gathered today in Piazza del Pantheon, in Rome. Mostly Americans, some Italians, too: the organizers got in touch with a few local organizations. I honestly wasn’t expecting such a good turnout for something that got so little publicity.

I’m sure she finds him distasteful. I’m also sure that the partnership is mutually beneficial: she gets the money, he gets to pretend he’s respectable and also sexually attractive enough to bag a hot wife who is young enough to be his daughter. It’s a nineteenth-century marriage of convenience and a win-win situation.

Melanie Lynskey. Yes, I know she’s much older than Lewinski was at the time, but she doesn’t even need make-up.

I was a contributing writer for for two and a half years, and it was through that I first found that all that English I’d learned over the years could actually be used for creative writing (the staff gave me a lot of freedom, too). Franca Sozzani was always a distant figure for me - my friends who

Yeah, I know that won’t happen. It’s a crap situation.