
My little nephew was like that was he was George’s age: sweet and cuddly with family, but not very sociable with strangers. I think it’s good that George has been brought up to feel he doesn’t have to force himself into physical contact with people he doesn’t know and is suspicious of. He and the Queen’s Mini-Me

She makes anything look fantastic, even Zara tops that I own and do not look half as good on me as they do on her.

My mum wanted to name me “Severina”. Luckily, she was persuaded by my dad to go for her granddad’s middle name, which was a little less hard to carry for a girl. I have chronic RBF, being called “severe” on top of that would’ve been a bit much.

One of my flatmates from university - a 30-year-old from Apulia - had brought all her dolls and stuffed animals with her from home. They all had names, which is fine (I also own a small stuffed giraffe given to me by my first publisher, which has been with me for fifteen years), but she spoke to them as if they were

Of course I do. But I live in the country of bidets, don’t I.

I don’t think she does. She looks amazing, but the depth in her eyes is a dead giveaway. Twenty-year-olds don’t have that. She looks good, like someone who takes good care of herself, but not twentysomething. It’s a testament to her awesomeness that she doesn’t even try to look like a girl.

Nothing works best for eye make-up than Nivea’s Daily Essentials Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover (not snappy, I know, but since when has Nivea needed to be snappy?) It melts away the eyeliner and mascara quickly and effectively. For the rest of my face I use wipes and Roberts rose water (not sure if it’s sold in the

Nothing works best for eye make-up than Nivea’s Daily Essentials Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover (not snappy, I

plastic bag of dildos Donald Trump

I fell in love with her smile at the Olympics. She always looked so happy to be doing whatever she was doing, and I love that she’s a girl! She’s just sixteen and she has that goofy manner about her. I don’t love that they seem to have padded her boobs to make her look sexier, but I’ll let it slide because she’s

I do have anger issues that has only been going off recently because of personal stuff, one of the major ones being I’m leaving home to go miles away.

10,000 is a bit cheap for anyone’s dignity. The older sister is trying to humiliate her, so I say she up it to 100,000 and see how it goes.

I was among those who helped in the huge pushback against this monstrosity. The website was taken down hours after the campaign was pushed online on Sept. 2nd. The offensive postcards were the first to go, then the whole website. Now it’s back on and concentrates exclusively on health-related issues.

I think it’s still a misdemeanor, you just don’t go to jail for it. They can fine you for up to 30,000 euro, though.

“Sexual integrity” bothers me. She has a right to do whatever she wants with her body, of course, but her word choice here - “integrity”, as opposed to, I assume, “brokenness” or even “corruption” - suggests that she sees sex as something bad and inherently wrong, a necessary evil to be confined to the supposedly safe

And if you build on those, BAD THINGS HAPPEN.

“rompati” (that’s Italian for “broken,” BOB)

All the while when I was reading it, I was only thinking about the poor intern who was likely tasked with transcribing the whole thing and giving it a coherent form. My heart goes out to her.

Well, she’s present when the Commander has sex with Offred, which she didn’t have to do, of course. There is a definite undercurrent of sexual jealousy. Making Serena Joy a younger woman accentuates it.

“Her number one person, Huma Abedin, is married to Anthony Weiner, who’s a sleaze ball and pervert,”

At first I thought she was too young, as the book states quite clearly that she’s middle-aged. At the same time, the undercurrent of sexual jealousy and bitterness against another woman for being fertile while you’re not is much more believable when both women are young. A middle-aged woman is most often at peace with