
Random observations from a place a little south of Milan. Levante and Bob Rifo/The Bloody Beetroots are married now? You know something I didn’t. Stash has a last name? Really? Is his name actually Stash? No, wait, I don’t care enough. Too old for that. Probably not, anyway. That’ll be Melissa Satta, not Setta. She’s

I can’t think of a single woman in a male-centric society who would want to have to care for two husbands rather than one. Because there is no way it would be an equal partnership.

Yeah. It’s sweet that once they take stock of the situation all they can think of is “time-share wife”, rather than “let’s make this culture a better place for women”.

Yeah, exactly. I’m in the greys so my comment will be invisible to most people, but saying “thank you” to anyone who does something for you is automatic once you’re out of your nappies. I fail to see why this should be different in a couple.

Seriously, though, do we need to be told this? Is it not just common courtesy to say “thank you” to anyone who does something for us?

That just-bathed cat metaphor was perfection.

She has the most amazing face, actually.

The Catholic Church is the main reason why women like Savita Halappanar had to die, and plenty more have to fly to London in order to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Catholic organizations are the reason why in my country, where abortion is legal, hardly any doctors will perform abortions anymore, claiming to be

I’m sure an actual inquiry into whether or nor a person was a heretic and therefore in violation of the laws of God had plenty of judicial substance. Joan of Arc would definitely agree that she underwent a fair trial with punishment that was proportionate to her crime.

I’m sure a Homecoming Queen election is worth investigating into. Call the FBI, homeland security is at risk.

Because no matter how hard they try, they will never be more woman than a boy in drag! Get it?
Fuck these people.

I think this calls for a

He didn’t care whether she was ok or not. He wanted to take what he thought he was owed, and the fact that she couldn’t defend herself was fine with him. He had no respect for her in the first place, so why should he check? And then he kept quiet about it for thirty-three fucking years.
There is no amount of atonement

Pre-euro Italy had pioneer educator Maria Montessori on its 1000 lire note (current change: approx. 50 euro cents).

It’s super good. Mind you, I use so much eyeliner that the stage between make-up and no make-up is basically Furiosa.

I got a similar product at Sephora a while ago and it is definitely awesome for removing foundation and eyeshadow, but I never seem to be able to wash all of the eyeliner and mascara off. I always end up having to wipe around my eyes with micellar water.

I can’t believe people need to be told this.

True. I was in NYC a month ago and I was mesmerised by the rats. So many of them! We have a rather nasty underground system where I live, yet rats are a rare occurrence. NYC rats are everywhere.